Pharmakeia φαρμακεία is the Greek translation for pharmaceuticals or drugs used in sorcery, witchcraft, magic or magical enchantments. Generally translated as sorcery in the Bible, it is the mixing and use of psychotics in occultic rituals and spell casting.
In the Bible, spiritual harlotry is not only defined by the worship of idols or other gods. Harlotry also involves the practice of occultic rituals or seeking out practitioners of the occult: diviners, witches or those who call upon demons in the form of familiar spirits or the spirits of the deceased. Many of these rituals or demon summoning involve the use of pharmaceuticals, psychotics or mind altering drugs.
Pharmakeia, in the simplest definition is the intentional use of drugs, hallucinogens, psychotics and poisons in combination with sorcery, witchcraft, enchantments and spells to alter the state of consciousness or inflict harm upon another by the use of toxins. This use of pharmakeia is intentionally inflicted upon oneself or another. It is often considered as mass poisoning or spellbinding.
Remember the wicked witch of the West from The Wizard of OZ? She poisoned Dorothy, the lion and Toto with a magic spell. She combined witchcraft and a poison potion mixed in her golden goblet. She then spread this potion over her magic looking glass while chanting, 'Sleep, sleep" This is a silly but effective example of the use of pharmakeia in combination with a magic spell.