Thursday, February 15, 2024

Mystery Woman of Revelation 17

Mystery Woman: 

    Who is this woman that has enchanted and mystified prophecy students for nearly 2,000 years and how did she receive such a seemingly influential position as a great harlot? She is joined in a mutual unity with the beast and his kingdom at the end of history, spreading her filth into the earth. She is even given royal treatment, sitting on the heads of the beast; the kingdoms of the world, and, her judgement is pending.  

   And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me saying unto me, come hither; I will show you the judgement of the great whore πόρνης (Greek: commercially corrupt one) that sits upon many waters. Revelation 17:1

So, who or what is this great whore; the commercially corrupt one? 

    To partially answer this question, we need to move the final verse in the Revelation prophecy to the forefront, it aides in the evaluation of the remaining text. This was the final clue the angel gave John; "I will tell you the mystery of the woman"... It is the ‘big’ picture that will define the harlot and the rest of the chapter with more clarity. We may not be able to identify her at this time in history but, there are many clues; so while she is being prepared, we may be able to recognize her for what she will be.  

    This interpretation is based upon scripture and the writings of the prophets which will omit the interpretation presented by Alexander Hislop taught within the church today.

    If you are not familiar with Alexander Hislop but have listened to modern Bible teachers interpret Revelation 17 as a harlot church, you are listening to, and learning the teachings of Alexander Hislop. Hislop's teaching is based upon fables, mythology, reincarnation and the various gods and goddesses that ruled the Mesopotamia, and later, the Greek and Roman cultures. These teachings are taught as actual historical and biblical narratives in the majority of churches today. These are the exact same teachings that scripture tells us to avoid. 

   For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they will turn away their ears from the Truth and (truth) shall be turned into fables (myths). 2 Timothy 4:3,4 

    When Revelation 17 is taught using authentic historical context and scripture, it reveals something completely different. Modern day bible teachers are misleading the flock by teaching the Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz fables as historical and biblical doctrine.

    We have an assortment of excellent Bible teachers preaching the Word of God, making it available to millions, but there is a major blind spot when it comes to Hislop's theories. 

    Today we will look at prophecy based upon the Bible and actual historical events and not Alexander Hislop's con of time travel and reincarnation. When all the fables and mythology are removed, we discover that this is what John was detailing: 

   Revelation 17:18  And the woman (γυνη) that thou saw is that great (mega) city (polis); which reigns (Greek- βασιλείαν has kingship) over the kings of the earth.  

    Well, isn’t that interesting? 

    The woman is a metaphor for a harlot city. The commercially corrupt one is a city. 

    We have seen this type of metaphoric descriptions used several times in biblical scripture; a city or specific geographical location such as Judah or Israel described in the feminine, as a womanCities were often described as women, depicting specific characteristics using feminine pronouns. Metaphors are often used within scripture to describe cities with specific human traits that are familiar to the average person. This makes it easy to grasp what the author is stating. 

   She, her, sister, daughter, mistress, widow, harlot, bride or wife are common references used to define cities or specific geographical locations, while mountain, (or beast in Daniel's case), were  used in reference to kingdoms. 

   The type of feminine metaphorical description is most evident in Revelation 17 and 18, where John dedicates two entire chapters to defining the characteristics of a corrupt city using feminine pronouns and metaphorical verbiage. The woman in Revelation 17 is eerily similar to Nahum 3:4, which describes Nineveh as a mistress of witchcraft; a well-favored harlot that sells the nations by her harlotries and families by her sorceries. Nineveh was destroyed similar to the destruction that we find in Revelation 18 which details the judgement of the city described in Revelation 17. Revelation 18 adds more information about the city in question.   

   This may be why it is so hard for so many to grasp and understand Revelation 17. The  entire chapter is full of symbolic metaphors from the old testament, but people add more to scripture than what John detailed. People make it complicated, adding code words, opinions and outside sources such as the teachings of Alexander Hislop. Using the hypothesis of Hislop, a city magically becomes a church, a golden cup is transformed into a golden chalice or a golden sun-disk, and the heads of the beast where the woman sits, the seven  mountains or seven world kingdoms are transformed into hills. 

   When scripture interprets scripture it becomes easy to grasp and understand, you just have to do the work and search scripture, forfeiting outside sources. I think that is the intention; to become a Berean, you have to act like one and search for the meaning within the Bible itself. 

   And once you see it, you can't unsee it. 

    This type of metaphorical description or depiction was commonly used within the writings of the Old Testament prophets – which John would have studied. 

   For example: Cities were documented as women depicting specific characteristics described in feminine pronouns. Metaphoric symbolism was used by various prophets to describe cities, nations and kingdoms with feminine traits. She, her, mistress, harlot, sister, widow, bride or wife are common references to cities or geographical areas. This is consistent throughout scripture. 

  • Nineveh was a mistress of witchcraft who sold to the nations. She was a well favored harlot involved in witchcraft, sorcery and human trafficking. 
  • Judah and Israel were often called the wife of Yahweh showing her position and favor in the eyes of God. These areas were often called harlots when they turned their backs on the God of the Bible and seduced or flaunted themselves before other nations. 
  • Babylon was described by the prophet Isaiah as the dethroned woman thrown to the dust to wallow in her sorrow. Babylon was also the city who relied upon her sorcery and enchantments rejecting the God of the Bible.  
  • Sodom was a sister city with many daughter cities in Ezekiel 16. 
  • The city in Revelation 17 is called a harlot woman clothed in scarlet and purple, sin,  bloodshed and religious royalty; an apostate bride of Christ. 
  • Jerusalem played the harlot with Assyria Ezekiel 16
  • Tyre is a harlot city Isaiah 23
  • New Jerusalem is the bride or wife of the Lamb at the end of the tribulation period. 


   John had used this type of metaphoric description once before when describing Israel. In Revelation 12, John depicts Israel as the woman arrayed in the sun, heavy in labor while the red dragon hunts and tracks her through the wilderness to devour her child. This description indicates the rise in antisemitism seen in the world today. During the tribulation, antisemitism will be off the charts as the world embraces wickedness, turning against Israel. 

   When the woman (Israel) flees into the wilderness protected by God, the hatred emanating from the antichrist and his beast kingdom will transfer from the Jewish nation onto those who carry the gospel of Christ Jesus. Revelation 12:17

    In Revelation 21:2 New Jerusalem is a bride adorned for her husband, and the wife of the Lamb in verse 9b. She is the holy city intimately connected to Christ Jesus. 

    Babylon, in contrast, will be  prepared for antichrist, a wife for her groom, an unholy city for an unholy kingdom. Babylon will be the earthly carnal city that is intimately joined to the beast kingdom as Satan is the great imitator who copies what God does. New Jerusalem is the heavenly city. adorned in gold and precious stones whereas the carnal city of the beast kingdom is also adorned in gold and precious stones, mimicking God's holy city as an apostate bride. 

   But in his estate (home, dominion) shall he honor the god of forces: and a god whom his father knew not shall he honor with gold, and silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things. Daniel 11:38 

    Both are cities; one is holy, the other is wicked, the exact opposite of New Jerusalem. In a time when evil is called good and good becomes evil, wickedness will rule the world. 

   The Greek word John used for woman in Revelation 17:3,18 is γυνη, meaning woman, wife or bride; suggesting a deep, intimate relationship between the harlot city and the beast kingdom just as the description of New Jerusalem depicts the bride of the Lamb. Babylon is the evil city which mocks and replicates God's holy city. Babylon will be a wicked, earthly city having kingship over a world ruled by evil men. 

    Not only is the woman of Revelation 17 referred to as a city of extreme whoredom and harlotry but she is described as a great city, a megas, megalē, megalēs city, a city of enormous physical size and importance, the mother city of many. She is enormous in size and volume, a supercity – a megacity. By definition, she would be the most important religious, economical and judicial city of the world with daughter cities, other harlot cities dispensing her poison potions or abominations to the inhabitants of the world. 

    By scriptural position, she will be the headquarter city of antichrist housing the beast system of the buying and selling that controls all nations, people and tongues of the world; the capitol city of the new world. The great city will rule over the kingdoms of the beast,  issuing decrees of lawless moral codes, human trafficking, ritual murders, sorceries,  (pharmakeia, witchcraft) idolatry and demon worship. 

    Understanding these basic concepts through the pages of scripture helps to clarify the end time role of Babylon; which gives us the insight to decode the harlot city by a Biblical interpretation

   When God is the narrator, there is no confusion. 

   Chapter 18 continues with this revelation. The harlot is an enormous commercialized, economically based city with a huge amount of imports coming in, but very little going out in the way of exports. 

   What she exports is wickedness; the buying and selling dependent on religious worship,  pharmakeia and human trafficking. 18:13b,23 

   The kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality. Revelation 18:3

    She is not a religious system or a religion, she is not even a church. John had written seven letters to seven angels who watched over the churches. He knew what a church was. But, he documents that she is a city (Greek: πολις polis) filled with bloodlust and harlotry, not an assembly of God, not even a false assembly or, false church: aka: an ekklésia or ecclesia -which is an assembly or gathering or those who are called out generally translated to church from the Greek. 

   She is a city that mimics the holiness of  New Jerusalem, the bride or wife of the Lamb. In a world that is upside down, evil becomes good and good becomes evil. The harlot city is a temptress of wicked pleasure, the carnal desires of man. She is a city of lavishness, worldly wealth and wonder; a deadly snare of enchantment that poisons the entire world. A city that caters to a people held together by the laws that define citizenship for the beast kingdom

    And, there followed another angel saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." Revelation 14:8 

    I have no clue as to why so many go through the Book of Revelation to cross out Babylon and replace the word with Rome; or why a city in Revelation 17 is replaced with a church

   And, there followed another angel saying, "Babylon Rome is fallen, is fallen, that great city, church, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication." Revelation 14:8 

   There is also a switching of the nouns with objects as well. In this little switcheroo game, the seven heads of the beast kingdom aka: mountains (kingdoms) become hills and the golden cup is replaced with a golden chalice and sometimes, dependent on who is teaching the sermon, a golden sun-disk. 

    Did John get it wrong? Did the angel who took John into the spirit to show him the harlot city that sat upon the heads of the beast kingdom misguide him? Of course not. Man is fallible, even deceptive but God's Word is trustworthy and true. 

    The harlot is a city that rises to world power just prior to the tribulation period or during the early days of the tribulation. She will be prepared in preparation for her king to come, an apostate bride adorned for her evil husband committing horrendous acts of immorality with the kings of the earth. 

   Possible harlot cities for the beast kingdom: NEOM, Istanbul, Rome, a new Babylon city in the desert, Tyre, Abu Dhabi, Mecca and Dubai. Note: Abu Dhabi doesn't have the size to align with scripture as 'great', mega, huge, vast, large in size. 

    The tribulation has not yet begun, but the tribulation markers are increasing at a rapid pace. 

My only objective is to dissect the interpretation of scripture; the overall big picture of what John was conveying in his writing, without all that Hislop mumbo jumbo redefining scripture or presenting it with a conclusion already in place.

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