The Genetic Makeup of the Beast Kingdom: Mr. Frankenstein
How would you describe the 'beast' that rises from the sea in Revelation 13? Is it a kingdom, a man, an animal, a government, a political system?
Let's break down the genetic makeup of the Beast (Greek - θηριον) using the scripture in Rev 13, 17 and Daniel 7 and see what can be discovered about the beast that rises mid-tribulation; once the little horn rises to world dominance.
Most find the book of Revelation complicated or, confusing as it is full of old testament symbolic references: seals, plagues, judgements, dragons, angels, a harlot city and a beast kingdom detailed in prophetic imagery.
But, it doesn't have to be. The books of the Bible interconnect and many answers can be found simply by searching scripture. The histories of specific kingdoms and their respective cities are defined by their relationship to Yahweh, Christ, Judah, Jerusalem and Israel. These are intertwined throughout the books of the bible; in fact, the entirety of the old testament is full of geographical references to kingdoms within the middle east that surround Israel.
The majority of the Book of Revelation details the unveiling of a time period at the end of
human history called the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 9), the time of
Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) or the tribulation period (Matthew
24:21). This is the 7-year time period when the wrath of God descends upon
an unbelieving and unrepentant world before the second coming of Christ Jesus. It is broken into 2 segments; the first half is when antichrist signs a peace agreement or, confirms the covenant with Israel so, while the rest of the world descends into chaos, Israel lives safely under a banner of false peace. The second half or Great Tribulation is the time period when antichrist rises to full authoritative power, breaking the covenant and declaring war on the remnant of the woman (Israel) who have the testimony of Christ Jesus.
Once the great dragon (Satan) declares war upon the woman (Israel) and those that have the testimony of Jesus Christ,
Revelation 12:17, his final kingdom, the last beast kingdom rises from
the sea.
We see the rise of this kingdom documented by John in
Revelation 13:1-4a; with verse 4b transitioning the focus from the rise
of the kingdom to the rise of its king. The little horn rises up
among ten horns, restraining power from three, wrestling a seventh kingdom from their hands, Rev 17:8, 11, and is now in an ultimate position of authority and power over an eighth kingdom, the totality of the beast.
The term beast was used as a descriptive marker for a wild, untamed, undomesticated animal to describe four kingdoms in Daniel 7. Daniel witnessed four beasts rise from the sea in a night vision. These animals represented beast-like kingdoms, untamed and wild. The first was like a lion, the next, a bear, the third was like a leopard and the fourth was a beast that Daniel was unable to compare its form or characteristics to any animal he was familiar with. It was a monstrosity, exceedingly strong and vicious with iron teeth and it had ten horns. We find in Revelation 13:2 that this beast will be comprised of the three previous kingdoms, the lion, the bear and the leopard. Daniel used metaphors to describe the beast like characteristics of the four kingdoms he had seen.
This terminology was later used by John to describe the kingdom he had witnessed rise from the sea. The Greek word that John used to describe this kingdom is: θηριον beast.
Beast - Revelation 13:1,2,3,4,11,12,14,15,17 &18. Revelation 17:3,7,8.11,13,16- Greek: θηριον (therao - to hunt, therion - one of the animals, wild beast) wild animal, beast, genetically non-human. θηριω animal, beast, singular, to hunt, pursue, stalk.
The Genetic Makeup of the Beast Kingdom:
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads. Rev 12:3
And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast (kingdom) rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Rev 13:1
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness (erēmon, ἔρημος, ἔρημον - a remote, sterile, barren, forsaken land: a desert): and I saw a woman (γυνη, woman, bride, wife) sit upon a scarlet colored θηριον beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:3
And the angel said to me, "Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the θηριον beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns. Rev 17:7
The red dragon has seven heads and ten horns. His seed, his mini-me of apostasy, the eighth beast kingdom also has seven heads and ten horns. The seven heads of the red dragon represent six world kingdoms that have been hostile to Israel causing her great pain and suffering with a seventh one, a ten horned kingdom that has not yet come. Rev 17:10
The mention of the wilderness in the verse Revelation 17:3, indicates a physical location where the woman; the πτόλις polis (Greek for city) is located, carried upon the heads of the beast kingdom. The woman (γυνη, wife, bride) is intimately tied to the beast kingdom and both are located in the same place: a desolate and barren area: aka: a desert. Think of the genetic makeup of the beast: lion, bear, leopard, Babylon, Mede-Persia and Grecian, in terms of their physical location. These kingdoms covered vast areas in the middle east.
What is the majority of the middle east made of? Desert. If this was meant to be a place of spiritual emptiness or spiritual barrenness John would have used the Greek word ἐκένωσεν meaning a complete emptying of oneself, void of spirituality. He may have even used the Greek word κενός which means destitute of spiritual wealth, without the fruits of faith. But, he used the Greek word: ἔρημος - a desert, sterile, empty, desolate, a wasteland. to indicate a physical location where the city and beast kingdom are located.
The four beast of Daniel 7 represent four individual kingdoms that had previously been recorded in Daniel 2 by way of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The dream consisted of a succession of empires represented as an image made up of the four metals that the Babylonians worshiped: gold, silver, brass and iron. Daniel 5:4,23b. We also find the same metals worshiped during the tribulation period. Revelation 9:20,21
Nebuchadnezzar's image represents a composite of four kingdoms or empires that would inhabit or reign over Babylonian territory which was the entire focus of Nebuchadnezzars dream: Daniel 2:27,28,29.
King Nebuchadnezzar was concerned about the future of his kingdom and what would become of it in the latter days. Nebuchadnezzar created an image, made of gold representing the future continuation of his empire and set it in the plain of Dura. A decree was issued that ordered the worship of the golden image; failure to do so meant a certain death Daniel 3. We also find a similar image in Revelation 13:15 that requires worship or a penalty of death. Whether the image in Revelation 13:15 represents the kingdom or the king, or, both as Nebuchadnezzar's image did, is an unknown at this point.
The four beasts in Daniel 7 are the same beasts that make up the various parts or the genetic makeup of the beast kingdom with the seven heads and ten horns that rises from the sea mid tribulation: leopard, bear, lion.
And the beast (kingdom) which I saw was like unto a leopard (Daniel 7:6), and his feet were the feet of a bear (Daniel 7:5), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Daniel 7:4); and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat (throne) and great authority. Rev 13:2
These beast represent three historical kingdoms which are detailed throughout the Bible that were responsible for brutal oppression and destruction upon Judah and Israel. If three beast kingdoms have already reigned placing three kings in Babylon, then Daniels fourth beast will provide the final king.
Daniels fourth beast kingdom of the ten horns rises just before the tribulation period as a seventh world empire. This is the kingdom that the little horn or antichrist rises from, a combination of the three previous beast kingdoms that rose from sea in Daniels night vision. This kingdom continues a short time until it is transformed into the final beast kingdom that rises from the sea in Revelation 13:1-4a. The king or little horn from this kingdom is given 42 months. Revelation 13:5.
The Heads of the Beast Kingdom:
The woman in Revelation 17 sits upon seven world kingdoms. This is implied from the specific terminology used by the angel in Revelation 17:9. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. The angel is focusing John's attention to the seven heads where the woman sits. The angel tells John to use wisdom; to carefully consider and use 'wisdom' when deciphering the meaning behind the seven mountains. The angel uses old testament symbolic reference of a mountain to define the heads of the beast. When used symbolically, a mountain represents a kingdom. We see this in several passages throughout the Bible. Daniel 2:35b, Daniel 9:16, Jeremiah 51:24,25a, Isaiah 2:2 and Revelation 17:9.
Remember, Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world if he would bow down and worship him. Why? Because the kingdoms belong to the dragon, they are part of his genetic makeup, symbolically representing his heads. The angel is breaking this down for John.
That the heads represent kingdoms can be further defined by the four heads upon the beast that was "like unto the leopard" detailed in Daniel 7:6. Those heads represented four distinct dynasties or empires that rose from the beast empire having the characteristics of a Leopard. Daniel 8:8,11:4a. Out of one of those heads or empires came the little horn Daniel 8:9. That little horn was Antiochus Epiphanies, a Greek King who rose from the Seleucid empire, one of four empires created after the death of Alexander the Great. This tells us that the Leopard represents the characteristics of the Grecian empire and the four heads represent a further division into four individual empires or kingdoms.
The heads upon the leopard represent four additional empires or geographical locations, though the leopard represents one beast kingdom. Since the Grecian was the third (3) beast that rose in Daniels night vision then the two proceeding kingdoms would have to be the 1) Babylonian and the 2) Medo-Persian.
Antiochus Epiphanies is considered a prototype or typology of the little horn or antichrist of the new testament. He desecrated the temple and ended the sacrifices which tells us in order for a little horn to fulfill a futuristic prophecy (Daniel 8:23-25. Daniel 9:27), a physical temple must be in place. The promise of the temple may be how the antichrist is able to confirm an existing covenant (Daniel 9:27) with Israel and surrounding nations.
Like Antiochus who rose from one of the heads of a beast kingdom, the little horn of the new testament aka: antichrist will rise from the seventh head with the ten horns; Daniels fourth beast from the sea. Daniel 7:7-25. This means that the kingdom must in place before he can rise among the ten horns. This is a kingdom that rises after Rome, subduing it.
This is where the majority of confusion lies today as the seventh kingdom is not Rome. Most place the ten horns upon Rome, the sixth kingdom; but the ten horns belong to the seventh kingdom, the one that rises after the sixth. The little horn rises from the beast with the ten horns, the seventh, not the sixth. It is the seventh kingdom or head that is transformed into the eighth.
And there are seven kings; five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. Revelation 17:10
Seven heads of the Dragon:
1) Egypt - fallen - power removed, 2) Assyria - fallen - power removed, 3)
Babylon - fallen beast - slain, power removed, 4) Mede-Persia -fallen beast, power
removed, 5) Grecian - fallen beast, power removed, absorbed into 6) Rome - the one that is, 7) beast with the ten horns - the beast kingdom that is yet to come - subduing Rome, uniting the heads of the beast, setting everything into place as the ten kings conspire for global control.
And there are seven kings; five are fallen, (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon - beast kingdom, Mede-Persian -beast kingdom, Grecian - beast kingdom) and one is (Rome), and the other is not yet come (beast kingdom with the ten horns); and when he comes, he must continue a short space. Revelation 17:10
These things must be in place before the little horn can rise among ten horns or kings: universal collapse of sovereign nations, digital ID, a cashless united globalized world, global citizens, a cashless system of buying and selling.
When Daniel's fourth beast kingdom or the seventh head begins to rise, it will continue for a short space until the world is prepared for the rise of antichrist. Once antichrist rises among the ten horns or, ten kings, then the kingdom is given over to him as the eighth kingdom. This transition of power is detailed in Revelation 17:8,11.
This seventh kingdom is currently under construction, being prepared, in a state of universal metamorphosis, a mutative state of becoming. The pieces are moving upon the chessboard of the world; close to being fully formed. And, it will continue a short while. Until the beast begins to rise. Then, the beast will be.
Ten Kings Ten Crowns
The red dragon wears seven world kingdoms as heads, as trophies of conquest, or awards of achievement as seen by the placement of the diadems or crowns in Revelation 12:3.
When the beast kingdom
rises, (Rev 13:1,2b) the red dragon transfers his seat (throne) power
and authority over to the beast kingdom. This is seen by the placement of
the seven heads and ten horns that make up the genetics of the beast kingdom. The beast
kingdom is simply a mini-me, spawn or seed of the red dragon.
beast is scarlet, similar to the color of the red dragon as we see in Rev
17:3. This is the color of hell's fire, sin and bloodshed. The scarlet beast is a kingdom reflecting the power of the red dragon. The woman (Greek: γυνη, woman, wife or bride) in Revelation 17 is also adorned in the same color representing her future
role as the city of sin and bloodshed (Rev 17:6) and her intimate connection to the beast empire. The additional color purple symbolizes carnal desire, luxury and wealth as she is a
wicked city prepared for an evil king and his kingdom. As New Jerusalem
is the wife or bride of the Lamb, (Rev 21:2,9,10) Babylon is prepared
as the bride or wife of antichrist; as Satan is the great imitator.
The mention of the ten horns (ten kings) who have no kingdom as yet in Rev 17:12,13 places the ten horns from Daniels fourth beast in the tribulation period as the seventh kingdom: the one that rises after Rome, the sixth head of the dragon. These ten horns represent ten kings in immense positions of global authority. This is shown by the placement of the crowns.
As the seventh beast kingdom rises, Satan's power is transferred from the seven heads to the ten horns or ten kings that sit upon the scarlet beast kingdom as the seventh head. This is also shown by the placement of the diadems or crowns.
In Revelation 12:3 the crowns are upon the seven heads that
the dragon claims authority over: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Grecian, Rome and the future addition, the beast kingdom of the ten horns. Daniel 7:23,24 These seven heads are six ancient
kingdoms that Satan has had a hand in controlling, swaying the kings of
the earth to do his bidding with a seventh yet to come. Four of these kingdoms are 'beast' kingdoms, Babylon is the lion, Mede-Persia is the bear and the Grecian kingdom of Alexander the great is the leopard with the four wings and four heads. The final beast kingdom is the beast with ten horns.. The kingdoms are Satan's pride and joy shown by the placement of the diadems or,
There are powerful principalities, fallen angels, wicked
spiritual entities (Ephesians 6:12) working in unison with the rulers of darkness and the red dragon who weakens the nations.
Isaiah 14:12b. These dark spirits are placed over the kingdoms to
protect Satan's dominion as shown in Daniel 10:12,13. These were and still are the spiritual forces behind the thrones of the kings and the rulers of the nations. In Revelation 13:1 the crowns upon the heads (kingdoms) have been removed and replaced with the name of blasphemy. Satan has transferred his power and authority away from the kingdoms and has given it to the ten horns as shown by the placement of the crowns.
This is a transition of authority.
The ten horns or, ten kings (Rev 17:12,13) are placed into immense positions of
authority, given ultimate control over the heads, the kingdoms, to
enforce conformity and obedience to the beast kingdom.
These ten horns are the kings that the little horn (antichrist) will rise among removing three, (Daniel 7:8, 24) As the little horn rises, he seizes control of the seventh beast kingdom (Rev 17:11) transforming it into the final beast kingdom, the eighth kingdom. If there is an eighth, then there must be a seventh; if there is a seventh kingdom then there must have been a sixth... and so on. This explains the numbering and order of the kingdoms, or heads upon the red dragon and his mini-me, the beast kingdom that rises from the sea in Revelation 13:1-4a
The little horn or antichrist of the old testament was Antiochus Epiphanies; a human. Since the little horn or antichrist will be human, then the ten horns whom he rises among are human as well, and not governments, kingdoms, alphabet agencies or corporations. They are ten humans holding immense amounts of authority and power.) Remember, they have no kingdom of their own. 17:12 But, they won't need individual kingdoms as they unite with the dragon and the little horn, ruling over the kingdoms of the earth, subduing them into submission. Together, they work as a hivemind relinquishing any and all power or control they have accumulated to the little horn. 17:13
With the above information under our belts, let's take a closer look at the verses that describe the rise of the antichrist kingdom:
And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a θηριον beast (kingdom) rise up out of the sea, (Daniel 7:3) having seven heads (kingdoms) and ten horns (kings, immense seats of power) and upon his horns ten crowns (transferred from the kingdoms), and upon his heads (kingdoms) the names of blasphemy. (all of one mind, anti-god, anti-Christ, anti-Israel, anti-Christian) And the beast (kingdom) which I saw was like unto a leopard (Daniel 7:6), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Daniel 7:5), and his mouth of a lion (Daniel 7:4); and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat (throne), and great authority. and I saw one of his heads as it were εσφαγμενην slain, wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: (it was, and is not, yet is) and all the world (who were not written in the book of life Rev 17:8) wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:1,2,3
Deadly Head Wound
One of the heads was slain, wounded to death: Greek, εσφαγμενην (Rev 13:3) suggesting a mortally wounded beast kingdom was slain and left to rot and decay, but the deadly head wound was healed and the beast did live, rising from the bottomless pit, healed and restored,
The Greek word John used: εσφαγμενην translates to English as: slain, wounded to death, having been butchered. The Greek further suggests this was done in a ritual sense as an act of God in a balance of power, to take power away. The slain or wounded head, beast or kingdom (a combination of the lion - third head, bear - fourth head and leopard - fifth head) will be the genetic makeup of the seventh beast kingdom or head, restored or revived as the eighth kingdom according to the scripture: Rev 13:3, 17:8 & 11.
And why should you marvel, I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the θηριον beast that carries her which has the seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:7 - The woman is the mystery; her name is not. Once you sincerely decipher the mystery of the woman according to biblical standards, along with the beast that carries her, it's game over to understanding Revelation 17.
Beginning in verse 8, the angel begins to outline a progression of events surrounding the mystery of the θηριον- beast kingdom. The beast has seven heads and ten horns and carries the woman (the city) upon its heads, symbolically parading her about like royalty. This is speaking of the kingdom, not the little horn or antichrist. Will the little horn have seven heads and ten horns? Will he be able to carry his trophy wife around on his heads? No, of course not, this is a refence to the kingdom. The kingdom carries the woman or city upon its heads like a crowning jewel, its pride and joy, the well-favored harlot who signifies the power of the beast kingdom. The description of the woman is similar to the description of Nineveh in Nahum 3. If Nineveh was a well favored harlot city, imagine how favored the end time city of Babylon will be.
The beast (kingdom) that you saw was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go in perdition; and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the θηριον beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8
The revived kingdom, healed from a deadly head wound will rise from the bottomless pit, abyss, and the world will be amazed by the kingdom that was, and is not, and yet is. This deadly head wound represents a beast kingdom that belongs to the red dragon in Revelation 12:3, and sits upon the eighth beast kingdom as a head in Revelation 13:1. This mortally wounded head is not the little horn, (which is a horn, not a head) this will be a beast kingdom that was mortally wounded to death, slain, its power removed.
As antichrist rises among the ten kings, he transitions a wounded beast head that had been slain, a combination of Daniels beast kingdoms: Daniel 7:4,5,6 (lion, leopard, bear) that return as the fourth beast kingdom Daniel 7:7. The Dr. Frankenstein kingdom of cadavers is created by the unity of many wounded beasts (kingdoms) the lion, the bear and the leopard. Rev 13:3.
Revelation 17:8 &11 states that this wounded beast kingdom transitions into the eighth kingdom. This is done under the power and authority of the red dragon (Rev 13:2b). This tells us that the seventh head rises first as a combination of mortally wounded heads or kingdoms which is then transformed into the kingdom of the little horn, the eighth kingdom; the totality of the beast. No wonder Daniel couldn't put a description of an animal to the fourth beast kingdom; it was a mis-mash of three previous beast kingdoms.
And the beast which I saw was like unto the leopard (beast kingdom), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (beast kingdom), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (beast kingdom): and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. Rev 13:2
And the θηριον beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads) and will go into perdition. Revelation 17:11
Go into perdition: The Greek verb ολλυμι (ollumi) means to terminate, kill or destroy. Since the eighth is of the seven (heads, kingdoms) then the eighth is a kingdom as well. The kingdom will go into perdition and the beast will be thrown to the flames. The kingdom will be utterly destroyed in Revelation 18 when the city is destroyed as the city is connected to the beast kingdom and are located in the same geographical location: a desert.
The heads of the beast: 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Medo-Persian, 5) Grecian, 6) Rome, 7) beast with ten horns that becomes the eighth kingdom when the little horn rises. There is no eighth head, the seventh head is revived and then transformed into the eighth; the kingdom of antichrist. There is no scriptural reference that claims that the seventh head is conjoined to the sixth or that the seventh rises from the sixth. The ten horns rise from the seventh head or beast Daniel 7:7 and the little horn rises up after them. Daniel 7:24
Daniels fourth beast kingdom is made up of ancient middle eastern kingdoms whose territory extended throughout the middle east: Lion: Babylon, Bear: Mede-Persia, Leopard: Grecian. The leopard had four additional heads or empires that rose after the
death of Alexander the Great: the Seleucid (the eastern empire and the
head the little horn of the old testament arose from), the Ptolemaic
(Egypt), Pergamon (Syria, Turkey, Asia Minor) and the Macedon (Greece),
All three kingdoms: Babylon, Median-Persian and the Grecian are mortally wounded beast empires, and all had had their power removed. Babylon was the beast kingdom that was mortally wounded in one night as prophesied by Isaiah. And, all three had kings that lived in or ruled from a Babylonian home-base: the ancient Babylonian
kings ruled from a Babylon kingdom (with the exception of King
Nabonidus who spent more time in Arabia worshiping the crescent moon god
of ancient Ur). King Darius lived in Babylon after it was conquered by the Mede-Persian empire and Alexander the Great lived in Babylon until his death.
And the θηριον beast that I saw was like unto the Leopard (Daniel 7:6 Grecian), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Daniel 7:5, Mede-Persia, Persia: Iran, Turkey, Medes: Pakistan, Afghanistan) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Daniel 7:4, Babylon); and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat (throne), and great authority. Revelation 13:2
The combined territory
of these three ancient empires extended into Macedonia, Spain, southeast Turkey,
Syria, Armenia, north Africa, the northern tip of Arabia, Egypt, Judah,
Israel, Jordan, Lydia, Media, Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan and
Pakistan. The territory was enormous, covering a large geographical area of the middle east.
Except for Israel, the regions of the old world are now predominantly
Islamic and most are extremely hostile toward Israel. These are the areas that have been flooding the entire European continent with mass migration (hijrah) under the open borders policy of the E.U. in order to conquer the lands.
This is the
composite of various parts of the beast kingdom that rises from the sea in the
latter days. It's genetic makeup is similar to Victor Frankenstein's monster of many cadavers that rises from death only to terrorize all in its path. The beast represents the geographical locations from where the kingdom will rise: Babylon, Mede-Persia, Grecian. This area covers the entirety of the middle east save for Israel. Luke 21:20
Satan has had 6,000 years to prepare for this moment. The beast kingdom will be the last kingdom, the θηριον beast with seven heads and ten horns with ten crowns; the completion of Daniels fourth beast.
The Roman empire, the sixth head of the dragon absorbed the fifth head,
the Grecian empire. The culturally advanced society of the Grecian Hellenistic era merged with the
Romans, blending their art, music and architecture with that of the Romans advancement in law and government. The major influence the
Greeks passed to the Romans was the complexity of the Greek language;
this is why most of the new testament is written in Greek. The Grecian's
fortified the strength of the Roman empire with its additional culture
and territory. After the Roman empire split in 395 AD citing differences
in economic advantages and leadership, the western half fell into
decline collapsing in 476 A.D. The collapse released the Grecian empire
and gave rise to independent cultures and sovereign nations throughout
Europe and Asia. The eastern empire of Byzantine Christianity thrived
until the rise of the Ottoman empire. Constantinople was captured 1453
AD, and the Byzantine community was forced to flee or submit to the Islamic kingdom, scattering
into Ukraine, Russia and the European nations. Now, the Islamic empire
has its sights on the entirety of the European continent while the E.U. has given them their blessings to conquer and devour.
Note that the ten horns do not rise from this sixth head or, kingdom. The ten horns rise from the seventh head or kingdom and the little horn rises up after them. Daniel 7:24
Revelation 13:3 details how one of the heads upon the beast was wounded as to death, and its deadly wound had healed. This is the territory comprised of the seventh head with the ten horns, a mixture of Babylon, Mede-Persia and the Grecian empires - the three beast empires that rose from the sea in Daniels vision prior
to the rise of the fourth beast kingdom. All three beasts were slain or
wounded (fallen) in some way but unite under the seventh head or
kingdom reviving the ancient geographical location of Babylon
which ascends out of the abyss, healed and restored.
We find out more
about this wounded head in Revelation 17. Several prophecies (Rev 14:8,
16:19, 17:5,18 18:2,10,21) point to the wounded beast as a revived middle eastern kingdom centered around Babylon: the city of antichrist is named Babylon, the mystery of the woman and the beast that
carries her (Rev 17:7) revolves around Babylon and finally, the
destruction of the city and beast kingdom in Revelation18 directly
points to Babylon as 'in your face' simple. (Unless you have an
Alexander Hislop Bible and have crossed out all mentions of Babylon
replacing those with Rome or the Roman empire, the sixth head.)
What if the Roman empire, the entirety of the European continent becomes absorbed into the Islamic kingdom to the east? Stop and think about that for a moment.
Three kingdoms ruled over or from a Babylonian territory; Babylon, Medo-Persia and the Grecian kingdom of Alexander the Great who died in Babylon. The Medo-Persian empire of Cyrus the Great placed King Darius as the regent king to rule over the Babylonian territory. Daniels fourth beast will provide the final ruling king.
The angel spoke to John in Revelation 17:7 letting him know that he would tell him the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. John was already shown quite a bit about the woman while in the spirit with the angel. This was documented in verses 1-6.
We discover in verse 1 that the whore is πόρνης, commercially
corrupt. We also find in verse 3 that the woman is
located in the wilderness, (ἐρήμοις, erēmois),
a barren, desolate, sterile area aka: a desert, carried upon the heads
of the beast kingdom. The woman and the kingdom are located in the same area; the wilderness. The final clue that the angel passed to John concerning the 'mystery of the woman' is in verse 18: And the woman which you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth. The woman of Revelation 17 is a metaphor for a spiritually corrupt, commercially driven harlot city.
The Beast Kingdom:
The beast that you saw was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go in perdition; and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Revelation 17:8
It was, it was once a viable kingdom (or combination of viable kingdoms), and is not,
is no longer the great kingdom, as it had suffered a deadly head
wound. But Rev 13:3, tells us that the deadly head wound will heal and it shall ascend out
of the bottomless pit (abyss) from death with its deadly wound healed
and be restored under the power and authority of the dragon (Rev 13:2b)
And all the earth will be amazed, and will wonder after the beast Rev
13:3b, whose names were not written in the book of life from the
foundation of the world, when they behold the beast (kingdom Daniel
7:23) that was, and is not, and yet is.
According to the scripture (it was, was not and yet is)
in Rev 13:3, 17:8 and 11 the wounded beast head or kingdom will rise
from the sea as the antichrist kingdom, the kingdom of the little horn.
four beast from the sea are 1) Babylon, 2) Mede-Persian, 3) Grecian and
the 4) beast with the ten horns. The beast with the ten horns is the
kingdom that rises from the combined empires of Babylon, Mede-Persian
and Grecian. It is the seventh head of the dragon that the little horn or antichrist rises from. This seventh world kingdom of the ten horns must be in place before the little horn or antichrist can rise.
will be restored under direction of the ten kings just prior to or in
the early days of the tribulation period. This is the kingdom that will
remain a short time
Rev 17:10. Once the little horn rises among the ten kings, he will
transition the remaining kingdoms of the old world into his kingdom,
the beast kingdom of the seven heads and ten horns or, the eighth kingdom
(Rev 17:11). This is done under the power and authority of the red
dragon (Rev 13:2b) which causes the world to wonder in amazement and
worship the dragon.
first beast that rose from the sea in Daniel's night vision was
Babylon. Babylon was the kingdom that rose after the Egyptian and the Assyrian empires had fallen. The Chaldean dynasty defeated Assyria,
laying Nineveh to waste. The
Babylon kingdom absorbed all territory which belonged to Assyria,
making Babylon the largest and most powerful kingdom in its time. Babylon rose as the third head of the dragon. The Chaldean dynasty of the Babylon kingdom lasted 66 years, a very short time compared to previous kingdoms. Alexander the Great's kingdom lasted less than 13 years until his death. Afterward, the kingdom was divided and continued until the Roman kingdom rose 300 years later. These are examples of a short time. though scripture suggests a shorter time frame from the rise of the seventh world kingdom until it is transitioned into the eighth which means it will happen very quickly. The conquest of the ancient Roman strongholds is currently underway.
The kingdom was wounded as to death, ritually slain, εσφαγμενην; Greek, slain, wounded to death, having been butchered in a ritual sense as an act of God to restore power or to take power away, Rev 13:3. This happened in one night and her throne was given to another: Daniel 5. The fall of the Chaldean's
was prophesied by Isaiah around 740-739 B.C., (Isaiah 13:17-20, Isaiah
47), while Babylon was still under Assyrian rule. Babylon was a great
city, but was not a viable empire. It did not become an empire again
until Nabopolassar,
a Chaldean General became King (626-605 BC) and expanded the kingdom
restoring the Babylonian legacy founded under King Hammurabi. (1792-1750
BC) After the death of King Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar II inherited the kingdom and continued to expand and rebuild.
the extent of destruction recorded in Isaiah 13:18 did not happen the
night the armies of Cyrus the Great overthrew the Chaldean empire. The
extent of destruction recorded in 13:19 had not happened either, as the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is similar to the destruction recorded in Rev 18, as sudden and
cataclysmic. Babylon was still inhabited until 1100 AD or so until it
eventually but grudgingly succumbed to death. Saddam Hussein, leader of
the Arab
Socialist Ba'ath Party (Isaiah 13:20) reused building material and
foundations when he began to rebuild Babylon in 1983, (Jeremiah 51:26)
... It was, (once a viable kingdom, still in existence when John wrote Revelation), it was not (the mighty kingdom it once was as it lay barren and decayed, deteriorating into the desert floor), it yet is it is still in existence though not the mighty kingdom it once was and it shall be (raised from a death-like state, revived).
of today, ancient Babylon, the jewel of the desert is currently
garnering much attention as its ruins are protected by international
agencies. Ishtar's gate has been replicated and stands at the entrance
welcoming visitors as it did long ago. And, China is certainly taking
notice of the vastly barren landscape of the Iraqi desert, investing in
schools, roads, infrastructure, electrical grids and of course oil and
other natural resources.
its prime the Babylonian empire controlled the northern Arabian desert,
Iraq, parts of modern day Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan and the Nile
Valley of Egypt. Many of these kingdoms were absorbed into the
Babylonian kingdom when Assyria
was defeated in 612 B.C.. All but one are now Islamic. Will these
ancient kingdoms of the middle east unite for a common cause? Will they
be Revived? Restored? Prophecy says they will.
The beast that thou saw was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit,
and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder
whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundations of
the world, when they behold the beast (kingdom) that was, and is not, and yet is. Rev 17:8
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven and goes into perdition. Revelation 17:11
beast 1) was, 2) is not, 3) yet is, 4) shall ascend out of the pit
after its deadly head wound is healed, 5) will be the eighth kingdom
that rises from the seventh, 6) is of the seven heads (kingdoms), and 7)
will go into perdition Rev 18.
This tells me that the combined areas of Babylon, Mede-Persia and the Grecian empires will unite creating an empire joined by common interest and perhaps religion joining forces in the last days. This so called 'religion' has now set sights on the entire European continent for conquest.
Or, is the wounded head the Roman empire, the sixth head
of the beast? Will the old Roman-Grecian kingdom rise up from the ashes
of chaos to form an army to combat and subdue the old kingdoms of the
middle east? Can the European nations rise and unite to save itself from
its corrupt rulers and gate keepers? The Roman empire was the one that is during
John's lifetime as he witnessed the rise of the Romans and is the one
the world has been living under for the past 2000 years. It was not the one that was yet to come; the one that was, is not and yet is in
John's lifetime Rev 17:10.
As of today the entire European continent is
being trampled down and subdued under a silent banner of conquest and
expansion. Who can make war against the beast kingdom? What god will they
praise and worship once the conquest of Europe succeeds? Scripture states they will wordship the dragon once the wounded kingdom rises. It their god the same as the dragon?
fourth beast with the ten horns is the one that rises from the sea in
Rev 13, transformed into the eighth world kingdom. It was a wounded kingdom whose head wound did heal. It will be a
genetic make up of the three, previous, mortally wounded beast kingdoms: Babylon, Mede-Persian and the Grecian. Two empires fell prior to the rise of the Babylonian kingdom, Egypt and Assyria. The last empire, Rome,
rose after the Greek empire of Alexander the Great. Today, the middle
eastern expansion is consuming the European nations that once belonged
to the ancient Roman empire. These European nations are falling one by
one to mass immigration under the banner of open borders and
'diversity.' This silent conquest is being encourage by the alphabet
agencies with the E.U. leading the charge and silencing those who
The Woman:
Final prophecy: there
will be a power struggle between the ten horns and the woman who
is carried upon the heads of the beast. She has control of the kings of the earth
as she sits upon the seven kingdoms that belong to the beast.
She is quite intoxicated, drunk from the blood of the saints and the
martyrs of Christ Jesus, In her drunken stupor, the poison potion (her
abominations) in her golden cup sloshes out, spilling over the heads of
the beast, the kingdoms where the beast reigns: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon,
Medo-Persia, Grecian and Rome.
She enchants the inhabitants of the earth
with her vile intoxication of sin and blood-lust, human trafficking Rev 18:13b,
sacrificial rituals and her sorceries Rev 18:23b aka: pharmakeia, drugs
used in rituals, magic and demon summoning. The kings of the earth are embolden to her, which enrages the ten kings. This causes the ten kings to hate the harlot and they seek to destroy her.
Greek translations from the Greek-English Lexicon - Liddle, Scott, Jones. Bill Mounce Greek Dictionary and the Greek New Testament, Abarim-Publication Interlinear.
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