Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daniel's Fourth Beast -The Little Horn and the Woman

   The fourth kingdom represents the final kingdom of man; an anti-God kingdom full of wicked rulers with evil intentions. This kingdom is the kingdom of the ten horns aka: kings that will form an alliance in the end of days just before the rise of the Antichrist. The ten horns from this kingdom are ten kings in immense positions of power. From these ten kings another shall rise after them, subduing the power of three. This little horn is the eleventh king or as most call him; the antichrist. 

   Daniel 7, 8 and 11 gives us the first glimpse of the man who will rise in the last days once the order of the old world is destroyed. He will speak arrogant blasphemy against the most high, and the saints will be given over to him for a time and times and dividing of time. He will think to change times and laws breaking the feasts, traditions and holidays of the Jews. 

   Antioch Epiphanies, the Greek King, was the little horn of the old testament; the little horn of the new testament will be a typology of Antiochus but with much more globalized power. He will head the transformation of old world kingdoms under the authority of the ten horns, converting them into a new future for mankind. A new future that signifies death for many. And by peace he will destroy many.... 

   This kingdom is described in Daniel 7 as Daniel's fourth beast that rises from the sea. It is also described in Daniel 2 as the feet and toes of iron merging with the clay. The iron represents the strength of two kingdoms (legs) that converge into feet. One kingdom, older, growing frail and weak, the other a turbulent force focused on achieving world dominance. This division of iron (kingdoms) and clay (man / earth) form a weak base causing much instability as iron and clay do not mix. This weak base forms the final kingdom.  

   Revelation 17:3 lets us know the location of the beast kingdom and the harlot woman. When the angel carried John away in the spirit, they traveled into the wilderness. Here the angel showed John the woman who sat upon a great scarlet beast full of the names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman and the beast are located in the exact same area: the wilderness. 

   So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns

   The wilderness is translated to English from the Greek ἔρημοςerēmos: which is a great desolate area, deserted, remote, barren, wasteland aka: a desert.


   This ten horned beast from Daniel's night vision, rises prior to the great tribulation period. It is from this kingdom of the ten horns that the little horn or antichrist will rise. As he rises, he transitions the  kingdoms of the old world into his kingdom, the beast kingdom with the seven heads and ten horns. This is done under the power and authority of the red dragon (Rev 13:2b). 

   When Revelation 17 is interpretated correctly, we find that the seven heads of the beast represent six ancient kingdoms of the world and one that has not yet come; the wounded head.  In John's time, three of the beast kingdoms had already ruled, their power removed. Babylon was in decline, Assyria was gone and the Grecian kingdom was conquered.  

   Four of the seven heads are beast kingdoms: the lion, the bear, the leopard and the beast with ten horns; which leave three heads that are not beast kingdoms: Egypt, Assyria and Rome. These seven heads belong to the red dragon and are given to the beast kingdom that rises from the sea in Revelation 13:1-4a. The beast kingdom is the red dragon's spawn, his mini-me as shown in Revelation 12:3.

   Daniels fourth beast (kingdom) will be dreadful, and exceedingly strong. It will crush and devour everything in its path and what it doesn't devour, it stomps the residue with its feet. This is the effect that the beast with the ten horns (kings) will have upon the earth.

   After this, I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beast that were before it; and it had ten horns. Daniel 7:7 

   Just prior to the Great Tribulation is the tribulation period. The beast kingdom rises first. It must be in place with ten horns (kings) prior to the full authoritarian rise of the little horn (antichrist) at the mid-point of the tribulation. The ten horns set up (or oversee the set up of) the system that the little horn will use to control the world. Many refer to this as the beast system, the Great Reset or the order of the new world; this is the system of checks n balances, buying an selling... global domination. 

   The ten horns are the ten kings, Rev 17:12, Daniel 7:24 - the ten horns are given an extensive amount of power over the kingdoms. They have very important roles to play, subduing and uniting the kingdoms under the beast system. The little horn or AC rises among these ten horns which tells us Daniels fourth beast and the ten horns must be in position just prior to  the tribulation period. When the little horn rises to the ultimate position of world power and authority, the ten kings hand their authority and power to him.

    These are kings that do not have a kingdom, (Rev 17:12) and are not to be confused with the kings of the earth (rev 17:2) who have less authority and power but who are intimately tied to the woman who is carried by the  beast

   Once the beast system is fully in place, the little horn rises among the ten horns (kings). He takes control of everything created under their rule and removes power from three as he rises. He transitions a wounded head (Rev 13:3; 17:8), Daniels beast of the ten horns into his kingdom, the eighth kingdom, the beast kingdom or the antichrist kingdom. Rev 17:11

   Rev 13 is divided into 4 characters. 1) The beast kingdom with the seven heads and ten horns, 13:1-4a, 2) the little horn (the antichrist) 13:4b-10, and then 3) the false prophet, or, false Christ 13:11-16 and finally, 4) the dragon who gives them its power and authority to revive his seat of power.   

   The beast kingdom is centered in the middle east as it is comprised of ancient middle eastern beast kingdoms united under the supervision of the ten horns: Babylon (lion), Medo-Persian (bear) and Grecian (leopard) kingdoms. 

   And I (john) stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemyAnd the beast (kingdom) which I saw was like unto a leopard (Grecian), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Medo-Persian), and his mouth of a lion (Babylon); and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat (throne), and great authority. Revelation 13:1,2 

   The fourth beast kingdom with the ten horns, is a combination of three previous mortally wounded beast kingdoms, the Babylonian (lion), the Medo-Persian (bear) and the Grecian (leopard); 'beast' kingdoms that rose from the sea in Daniels night vision. Three of these kingdoms have already ruled. All three kingdoms had kings that lived in Babylon while a fourth is yet to come. Babylon is the key to this mystery and is central to understanding the biblical geographical locations that unlock the end time prophecy; the lion, the bear, the leopard and the beast with ten horns. 

   The fourth beast is the kingdom that rises in the end of days; a combination of three previous kingdoms, Babylon, Medo-Persia and the Grecian. This fourth kingdom provides  the final king, the little horn. The beast kingdom rises from the sea and is located in the wilderness (desert) carrying a harlot woman (city) upon his seven heads. This is the imagery John was detailing. 

   And the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 17:9

    So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast (kingdom) full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:3. 

   The beast that rises from the sea in chapter 13 with the seven heads and ten horns is the same beast that carries the woman. 

   Revelation 17:3 gives us yet another clue; the color of the beast kingdom: scarlet. This color is similar to the color of the red dragon and the attire the woman wears which is scarlet and purple. The scarlet represents sin and bloodshed which is the connecting factor binding the red dragon, the beast kingdom and the woman. 

   The fourth kingdom or Daniels fourth beast will inhabit the lands in the middle east surrounding the ancient Babylonian empire in the Land of Shinar. It will be made up of the first three beast kingdoms, Babylon, Medo-Persia and the ancient Grecian empire merged into one kingdom. All three beast kingdoms had kings that ruled from a Babylonian empire. The Babylonian kings ruled from Babylon, the Mede-Persian empire of Cyrus the great placed King Darius on the throne to rule over Babylon, and Alexander the great ruled his kingdom from the city of Babylon, where he died. 

   Daniels fourth beast will provide the final ruling king, the little horn. 

   The beast kingdom is detailed in Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and Revelation 17. It is very important to differentiate between beast kingdom and the little horn who is also referenced as a beast. (I think this is where many get confused.) The only mention of the little horn in Revelation 17 is in verse 11 but, it is an indirect reference in relationship to the transition of the beast kingdom from the seventh head or kingdom of the ten horns into the eighth

   Just prior to the Great Tribulation is the tribulation period. Daniels fourth beast kingdom of the ten horns begins to rise. A global shift begins to destabilize the world and the system needed to dominate the chaotic world falls into place. Ten horns or ten kings who conspire a global coup rise to world power. Once the little horn rises among ten horns, he takes the system created to globalize the world and assumes control. He is the lone ranger of a chaotic world who saves the proverbial stagecoach from cascading over the cliff. 

   When the little horn rises to power, he heals and unites the seventh kingdom of the ten horns and it becomes the eighth kingdom in Rev 17:11. Those who are not written in the book of life are amazed that the kingdoms are revived and restored (healed) and they will wonder after the beast, worshiping the dragon that gave the beast his power. Rev 13:3,4a; 17:8b. The seventh kingdom becomes the eighth or, the final kingdom of antichrist. Revelation 17:8,11

   The focus is on the rise of the kingdom. 

   And the beast (kingdom) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads, kingdoms) and goes into perdition.


   How does Daniels fourth beast kingdom become the eighth kingdom? 

   To understand this we need to look at the heads. The beast (kingdom) has seven heads, seven kingdoms that belong to the red dragon. This was explained in great detail in Part 1. 

  If the beast kingdom of the little horn becomes the eighth then there must be a seventh from which he rises. We know the little horn rises from Daniels fourth beast kingdom of the ten horns. This was explained in Daniel 7. This places Daniels fourth beast into position as both the wounded head and the seventh kingdom. If there is a seventh, then there must be a sixth... and so on. This is explained by the number and position of the heads upon the beast which is listed below. 

Note: Rome is the sixth head or kingdom, not the seventh. Rome doesn't have the ten horns, the ten horns rise from the seventh head or beast kingdom; the one that rises after Rome. There is only one transition recorded in scripture, not two. The transition is from the seventh head, the wounded beast kingdom that becomes the eighth. The sixth does not transform into the seventh kingdom before transforming into an eighth; as scripture does not support two transformations. 

   The transition from the seventh head or kingdom into the eighth beast kingdom documents the rise of the little horn detail the progression of events that surround the mystery of the beast (17:7b). There is no eighth head on the beast, the eighth becomes the totality of the beast or the eighth and final beast kingdom. When the little horn rises to dominate the earth mid-tribulation, the wounded head of the beast, the seventh kingdom from which he rose,  becomes the eighth kingdom. 

   And the beast (kingdom) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads, kingdoms) and goes into perdition. 

Heads of the Red Dragon, and his beast kingdom: 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria 3) Babylon 4) Medo-Persian 5) Grecian 6) Rome 7) Daniels fourth beast: the beast with ten horns. 

  Four of these kingdoms are beast kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecian and the beast with ten horns. The beast of the ten horns rises as the fourth beast kingdom just after Rome. The fourth beast kingdom or the seventh head is transitioned into an eighth kingdom after the rise of the little horn from the seventh head of ten horns. There is only one transition, and that is from the seventh into the eighth. 

The Rise of Daniels Fourth Beast Kingdom and the little horn: 

    And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast (kingdom) rise up out of the sea, having seven heads (kingdoms) and ten horns (kings, seats of power) and upon his horns ten crowns (transferred from the kingdoms), and upon his heads (kingdoms) the names of blasphemy. (all of one mind) And the beast (kingdom) which I saw was like unto a leopard (Grecian), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Medo-Persian), and his mouth of a lion (Babylon, middle eastern territory); and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat (throne), and great authority. and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:1,2,3 

    and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

   Revelation 17:8: The beast (kingdom) that thou saw (the woman ride) was and is not: and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit (abyss), and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads), and goes into perdition

   Revelation 13:1-4a is speaking of the beast kingdom. One of the heads of the beast kingdom was wounded to death and his deadly head wound was healed. This is speaking of one of the heads upon the beast. Does antichrist have seven heads? Of course not. This wounded head is an additional kingdom; more specifically a wounded 'beast' kingdom that will be healed. Only a beast kingdom can be mortally wounded, slain or injured as it is a beast kingdom.  And the world will wonder in amazement, at the wounded kingdom that was healed and revived. 

a) And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast (kingdom) and they worshipped the beast saying who is like unto the beast? b) who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4 

The little horn: 

   Revelation 13:4b conjoins the beast kingdom with the little horn. A king rules a kingdom and a kingdom is ruled by a king. Who is like unto the beast (kingdom) and who is able to make war with himThis statement transitions the conversation from the beast kingdom to the man ie: the little horn merging king with kingdom. verse 5) And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. or, 3 1/2 years - the Great tribulation period. 

   Power was given to the beast kingdom and in verse 4b power is given to the little horn who speaks greats things against the most high in 5b. The entire beast kingdom will be full of blasphemous people committing horrific abominations against the children of God as the name of blasphemy is worn upon the heads of the beast. 

  Verse 6: And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven

   Daniel 7:8,11 I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. 11) I beheld them because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. 

Mystery of the beast kingdom:

   Revelation 17:7 And the angel said to me, "Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns." 

   Revelation 17:8: The beast (kingdom) that thou saw (the woman ride) was and is not: and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit (abyss), and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 11) And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads), and goes into perdition

   There is certainly a lot to unpack in that single verse. 

   These verses can be explained by the rise of Daniels fourth beast as the return of a middle eastern kingdom, a revived beast kingdom brought back from the brink of death. The kingdom rises from the abyss, near death and is restored. Then the beast will meet up with its final destruction once the ten kings turn on the harlot.  

   The beast that was, and is not, and yet is, represents a beast aka: kingdom that had suffered a fatal, lethal wound and, had been left to death and decay, but has not yet surrendered to death. There were only three beast kingdoms (Babylon, Mede-Persian, Grecian) with a fourth one that has not yet come. This is explained in in further detail in Revelation 17:10

   And there are seven kings; five are fallen (1. Egypt - fallen, 2. Assyria - fallen, 3. Babylon - fallen beast, 4. Mede-Persian - fallen beast, 5. Grecian - fallen beast) and one is (6. Rome), and the other is not yet come (7. fourth beast with ten horns), and when he comes, he must continue a short space (until he is transformed into the eighth). 

   And I saw one of his heads (kingdoms) as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3 

   The angel directs John’s focus first to the mystery of the beast that carries the woman. We know from Daniel 7 that a beast represents a kingdom. The four beasts that rose from the sea in Daniels night vision were four kingdoms described in metaphorical terms as four beasts; the lion, bear, leopard and the beast with ten horns. The fourth beast is a wounded, mangled beast with the genetic makeup of the lion, the bear and the leopard. The beast also has ten horns. The wounded beast rises from the abyss as the seventh head repaired and restored This beast is a kingdom, this verse is not about antichrist, this is about the seventh kingdom transformed into an eighth  kingdom. Verse 8 is tied to verse 11. 

  Heads of the beast: 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Persia, 5) Grecian, 6) Rome, 7) the beast with ten horns, revived middle eastern kingdoms that becomes the eighth. 

   The beast with ten horns becomes the eighth kingdom when the little horn (antichrist) rises up from the ten horns. This places Daniels fourth beast at the beginning of the tribulation period. The ten kings prepare to dominate the world setting up a world system that will allow them to do so. Once the system for global control is set into place, the world is pushed into tribulation. The little horn begins to rise; then everything is passed into his  hands. 

   The red dragon wears seven kingdoms as heads, as trophies of conquest, Revelation 12:3. The beast is the mini-mi of  the red dragon, his spawn, his seed, who has been given these seven kingdoms represented symbolically as heads. Revelation 13:1.

  These are the heads that elevate the woman into position as the world capital. She is ceremoniously placed upon the heads of the beast kingdom, (symbolically) sloshing the contents of her golden cup, her abominations, her poison potion over the  kingdoms of the earth in her drunken stupor. Rev 17:6. 

   The Woman: Revelation 17

  Revelation 17 explains that the rise of the beast kingdom will be successful and that the harlot (Greek: πόρνης, commercially corrupt one) city is a prized possession as it is carried upon the seven heads of the beast. See English back to Greek, Rev 17:1  

   And the angel said unto me, Wherefore do you marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the womanand of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns

   Revelation 17:7 tells us that the woman and the beast are surrounded in mystery and that the angel will tell John the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her. John documented all sorts of clues in Revelation 17:1-6 that define the woman with verse 9 providing her position of authority as she sits upon seven kingdoms that belong to the beast. The final clue is decoded for us in Revelation 17:18 when the angel tells John that the woman that he saw is a great (mega, huge in volume and size) city which reigns over the kings of the earth. This revelation continues into chapter 18 which gives us more details about the city. 

   When Babylon was a powerful kingdom, Babylon was the capital city. She grew under Hammurabi before declining under the Assyrian takeover. Once Nebuchadnezzar's father, Nabopolassar rose to power, she once again began to grow into an economic powerhouse. Under Nebuchadnezzar, she flourished, becoming the economic, educational and religious center of the Mesopotamia. The city was tied to the kingdom and as the kingdom rose, so did the city. 

   When the armies of Cyrus the great captured the city, Darius the Mede was placed upon the throne. Babylon was absorbed into the Persian empire, where she stayed until Alexander the great came along 200 years later. By then Babylon had began to decline due to upheavals, poor leadership and neglect. 

   Alexander the great had plans to rebuild the city but died before those plans were realized. Neither Alexander nor Cyrus changed the name of the city. It remained Babylon. The Persian kept a king in Babylon and Alexander the great ruled from a homebase located in Babylon until he died. So far, three kingdoms had ruling kings that ruled from a Babylon homebase, the lion (Babylon), the bear (Mede-Persian), and the leopard (Grecian). The fourth beast kingdom will place the final ruling king, the little horn. 

   This is what Revelation 17 is detailing, a city connected to a kingdom. The kingdom of the ten horns is a combination of three ancient kingdoms, the Babylon, the Mede-Persian and the Grecian empires. As of now, Babylon, the city is in ruins and is protected by international agencies due to her historic value. Babylon will never be built over but, there is plenty of area for an city to be built around the ancient ruins. What an intriguing prospect, the ancient city snug and protected inside the boundaries of an international city of the same name. 

Revelation 17:9  And here is the mind which hath wisdom. “The seven heads are seven (ορος, óros- Greek, boundaries, mountains) mountains (kingdoms) on which the woman sits.

    And here is the mind which hath wisdom. By this phrase, John is told that these mountains are not literal mountains but have a deeper meaning. In order to understand the meaning of the seven heads he must use wisdom and carefully consider what the angel is placing into his hands. This is something that would normally require deep thought, spiritual discernment and scriptural knowledge in order to comprehend. 

  Daniel would have known exactly what the angel was implying, and I believe after careful consideration, John did too.  

  This is where the knowledge of the Old Testament comes into focus especially since the origin of the beast kingdoms began with Daniels vision. The books of Revelation and Daniel work together to form a circle of passages that meld together and interconnect. 

  The angel begins to break the beast down into easily identifiable terms that John could understand. The angel is focused on the heads attached to the beast but now he uses a  symbolic reference from the old testament to reveal the mystery of the heads. The angel uses knowledge taken from the old testament to connect the individual beast kingdoms from Daniels prophecy to the beast. By using this method John will understand what the heads represent.  Notethe angel doesn't say to use 'code words' or read Alexander Hislop's book, The Two Babylons for interpretation. 

  The heads are described as mountains. This directs us to the old testament figurative use of the noun: mountain. In the old testament, a mountain is used in referenced to a kingdom. There are multiple scriptures that back this up in support of the angel. The heads of the beast - on which the woman sits, are kingdoms of the world. This placement of the heads is used to explain her global reach and authority. 

   The heads, the mountains, the kingdoms belong to the red dragon, but they empower the woman and she intoxicates them with her abominations and potions. They will work together and by her sorceries (witchcraft, enchantments), she directs the kings of the earth, aligning them to her, bewitching them with her charms. 

   And, because of this, she will eventually become a heavy weight, a burden, impeding the flow and the mission of the beast as it consumes the world. And the ten horns conspire to destroy her. 

   Many Bible teachers use Hislop's 'code words' to tie these heads, these kingdoms, these mountains to the seven hills of Rome in order to complete Hislop’s theology found in the introduction section of his book: The Two Babylons. That’s clever, but hills are not mountains. How much ‘wisdom’ or deep study does it take to switch out the word mountain and replace it with hill? 

   None: All it takes is a switching of nouns. There is no secret knowledge nor any need for  wisdom to switch around the nouns. Hislop switched out mountains and replaced them with hills just as he switched out a great, mega harlot (commercially corrupt) city and replaced it with a church. Shouldn't we be searching scripture for answers instead of relying on outside sources? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

   All it takes is an agenda to tie Rome to the harlot as per Alexander Hislop's little fairy tale which is not Biblical in the least. Why do our bible teachers follow Hislop so blindly? Scripture provides all the answers we need. 

   Did Satan offer Jesus the kingdoms of this world or did he offer him the seven hills of Rome? 

   How many of those hills are kingdoms? How many hills have kings? Are there five previous ancient kingdoms of the world contained within the boundaries of Rome along the Tiber river? And which hill (head) was wounded to death and healed? Which hill will cause all the world to wonder in amazement once this wounded hill (head) is healed? Rev 13:3. 

  Hills are not mountains but mountains are kingdoms. The woman sits upon the kingdoms of the ancient world poisoning the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth with the potion in her golden cup. Revelation 17:2 

   Kings rule over kingdoms, kings don't rule over hills.

   Instead of searching the world for a city that sits upon seven hills or mountains perhaps we should be searching for a city that rules over four middle eastern kingdoms

Revelation 17:10  Kingdoms are ruled by Kings:

And there are seven kings; five are fallen (1 Egypt, 2 Assyria, 3 Babylon, 4 Medo-Persia, 5 Grecian), and one is (6. Rome), and the other is not yet come (beast with ten horns; 7th kingdom) and when he  comes, he must continue a short space. (Until he transitions the seventh into the eighth) 

17:11: And the beast (kingdom) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads, kingdoms), and goeth into perdition.

   This continuation of passage focusing on the seven heads tells us that the interpretation of the seven mountains is fundamental in the understanding of text. Without the proper interpretation the entire context becomes twisted as it already has. Not only is the interpretation twisted, it is mangled beyond comprehension

   Look here: don't look there. 
   The beast kingdom, the antichrist kingdom, that will rise from the sea in the latter days: Revelation 13:1,2, is a combination of the ancient kingdoms that had kings that ruled from Babylon, (leopard, bear, lion). The kingdom will rise quickly as the leopard (Grecian), will have strength and brutality as the bear (Persia) and will be majestic, powerful with a deadly grip dealt from the jaws (mouth) of a lion (Babylon), and will be recognized notably by its king, antichrist. 

   The kingdom will have the strength and brute force of the fourth kingdom that rose from the sea in Daniels vision, the beast with the iron teeth, brass nails and ten horns. It is this kingdom that transforms into the antichrist kingdom once the little horn rises to the position of claiming global authority. 

   As a combination of three previous middle eastern kingdoms, this one too will rule from the middle east, specifically somewhere along the areas of the old Babylonian kingdom. 

The kingdom is then tied to its king, antichrist. 

   These great beasts (kingdoms), which are four, are four kings which shall arise out the earth. Daniel 7:17

--> Four kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecian, the fourth beast with ten horns. 

--> Four kings: Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Antichrist.

Revelation 17:11  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven (heads, kingdoms), and goeth into perdition.

   The angel continues with the mystery of the beast kingdom that the woman rides. In the ongoing progression of the beast kingdom, the 11th verse signifies the rise of the beast as the eighth kingdom.  

   The angel that explains the mystery of the beast has now shifted the scene to mid tribulation and the rise of the antichrist kingdom. The antichrist makes his appearance among the ten horns, removing the power from three, and rises to ultimate global power transitioning the seventh head into his kingdom, the eighth kingdom

   This transition finalizes the setup of the antichrist kingdom and the great tribulation begins. The bride has been presented to the bridegroom, the world descends into chaos and the executions (verse 6) begin. 

   The woman retains her position on the heads of the beast as the little horn rises from the beast with the ten horns, transitioning the beast kingdom into the eighth kingdom. From the head of the ten horns, the little horn or antichrist rises and the final kingdom on earth is established. The beast the woman rides, becomes the final beast kingdom. 

King and kingdom. 

Bride and Groom. 

   Then he will rise from the sea as the eighth kingdom with his trophy bride sitting on the seven heads of his beast, poisoning the kingdoms of the world with her vile abominations. 

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