In heaven there is a hierarchy of angels. Some are more powerful than others, having higher ranks, roles, influence and characteristics. There are military style archangels such as Michael and messenger angels such as Gabriel. There are angels who watch over the nations waring with the fallen angels who also preside over nations. There are guardian angels, watcher angels, protective angels and ministering angels to name just a few.
And, they never sleep.
Satan, as the great imitator mimics things in heaven for his own agenda. He also has a hierarchy of demonic forces at work in his kingdom. These are powerful spiritual entities that are stationed above nations who influence the powers behind earthly thrones and the kings of the world. They are busy influencing the rulers and citizens of cities, invading communities and homes across the world. Believe it or not, they are active in your social life, your work space and in your church.
The spiritual hosts of wickedness have influence over the sins of man: lust, greed, envy, pride, wrath, sloth and the Jezebel spirit of child sacrifice, harlotry and the occult.
Demons are at the bottom of the hierarchy, acting as the foot soldiers, doing the bidding of the fallen angels who are the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness. This hierarchy is similar to an efficient, organized military command with the highest-ranking officers at the top, barking orders to be carried out by those in the lower ranks.
And they are highly organized. Like a giant hivemind, they have one goal: to usher in the kingdom of antichrist.
If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?
Demons or unclean spirits are lesser than the angels and take their marching orders from the fallen ones who were not imprisoned for their crimes. Demons are the worker bees of the fallen world, whispering sweet nothings in our ears; pestering, possessing, oppressing, torturing and taunting mankind.
Note how the kingdom of darkness sticks together like glue while the church has been scattered into various sects and denominations.