Thursday, November 7, 2024

Simplified Overview Revelation 13 - Rise of the Beast Kingdom

    Revelation 13 can be broken down into four distinct characters, the red dragon, the beast kingdom, the little horn (antichrist) and the false prophet, magician or sorcerer.

    Mesopotamian kingdoms had a slew of false prophets: magicians, sorcerers, necromancers, star gazers, mediums with familiar spirits, wise men, and dream interpreters in the kings court. This is what the false prophet represents, a master magician who rules in the kings court, in service to the king and his kingdom. 

The simplified breakdown

Rise of the beast kingdom. Revelation 13:1-4a
Rise of the little horn or antichrist: Revelation 13:4b - 10 
Rise of the false prophet: Revelation 13:11-16 
Rise of the dragons power: Revelation 13:2b, 5b 

   Of the four, the rise of the beast kingdom is the most complicated as it is the most complex. What makes it so complex is the amount of detail involved. The beast kingdom has many genetic parts and pieces, such as three previous wounded beast kingdoms, seven heads and ten horns with ten crowns. There is also a bit of historical knowledge needed to navigate the rise of kingdoms and their geographical locations. Many kingdoms simply absorbed the conquered ones, expanding their territorial boundaries. These ancient territorial markers set the boundaries for the coming antichrist kingdom. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Cities Defined As Women in the Bible

   The old testament is full of history. It documents the rise and fall of kings and kingdoms, empires and cities, Judges and prophets. There were good kings such as Josiah who did what was right in the sight of God, while others like Ahab, did evil. There were also good queens such as Esther who saved her people from the likes of Haman; and evil queens like Jezebel who filled the northern kingdom of Israel with witchcraft, idol worship, Phoenician gods and goddesses and pagan sacrifices. 

    We also have mention of numerous cities that are often given feminine pronouns that maximize specific characteristics focused on behavior and their relationship to God. Some cities had good qualities while others did not; and that set them up for judgement. 

   Sodom and Gomorrah were marked for judgement "Because the cry of of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous..." Genesis 18:20-22

   As we know, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because the inhabitants  were consumed with iniquity and haughty pride. When compared with the iniquity of Jerusalem, Sodom was called the sister with daughters in the book of Ezekiel. Chapter 16 is full of feminine verbiage describing cities. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

That Great City: Revelation 17:18

And the woman that you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.

Greek: καὶ ἡ γυνὴ ἣν εἶδες ἔστιν ἡ πόλις ἡ μεγάλη ἡ ἔχουσα βασιλείαν ἐπὶ τῶν βασιλέων τῆς γῆς.

 English translation with Greek markers: And the woman (γυνη) that thou saw is that great (μεγάλη, mega, large) city (πολιςpolis); which reigns (βασιλείαν has kingship) over the kings of the earth. 

   Some of the most compelling, fascinating and challenging prophecies in the Bible are the ones in Revelation; especially those depicting the woman, Babylon the Great. There is an air of mystery surrounding her identity that has intrigued multitudes of Bible students for nearly two-thousand years.  

   Interpretive speculation abounds as to the mystery of the woman and what or who this woman represents. Many claim the woman represents the Catholic Church, or Vatican City, located in Rome, Italy. Some have thought the woman represents the United States or one of its cities such as New York or America's harlot city, New Orleans where demon worship abounds. 

   Others claim the woman represents a 'mystery mother-child religion' that came out of Babel, or the final religious world system directed at the worship of the little horn, the antichrist. Then there are those who are more meticulous regarding scripture who suggest that the woman will be a middle eastern city located in a desert: Jerusalem, Mecca, Tyre, Abu Dhabi, Istanbul or, a new Babylonian city that is yet future. 

   There are many people anxiously watching the preparation of the desert city of NEOM in Saudi Arabia. NOEM is derived from a combination of words, noe; Νέος, a word from the ancient Greek which means NEW, and the letter M; an abbreviation from an Arabic word: Mostaqbal which means Future - NEOM = New Future.

   As of now, the woman is still wrapped in a cloak of mystery as the tribulation has not yet begun and the Holy Spirit is still present.  

   Let's review some things that John documents in Chapter 17 by looking through the lens of verse 18.

And the woman that you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daniel's Fourth Beast -The Little Horn and the Woman

   The fourth kingdom represents the final kingdom of man; an anti-God kingdom full of wicked rulers with evil intentions. This kingdom is the kingdom of the ten horns aka: kings that will form an alliance in the end of days just before the rise of the Antichrist. The ten horns from this kingdom are ten kings in immense positions of power. From these ten kings another shall rise after them, subduing the power of three. This little horn is the eleventh king or as most call him; the antichrist. 

   Daniel 7, 8 and 11 gives us the first glimpse of the man who will rise in the last days once the order of the old world is destroyed. He will speak arrogant blasphemy against the most high, and the saints will be given over to him for a time and times and dividing of time. He will think to change times and laws breaking the feasts, traditions and holidays of the Jews. 

   Antioch Epiphanies, the Greek King, was the little horn of the old testament; the little horn of the new testament will be a typology of Antiochus but with much more globalized power. He will head the transformation of old world kingdoms under the authority of the ten horns, converting them into a new future for mankind. A new future that signifies death for many. And by peace he will destroy many.... 

   This kingdom is described in Daniel 7 as Daniel's fourth beast that rises from the sea. It is also described in Daniel 2 as the feet and toes of iron merging with the clay. The iron represents the strength of two kingdoms (legs) that converge into feet. One kingdom, older, growing frail and weak, the other a turbulent force focused on achieving world dominance. This division of iron (kingdoms) and clay (man / earth) form a weak base causing much instability as iron and clay do not mix. This weak base forms the final kingdom.  

Monday, August 26, 2024

English Back to Greek Revelation 17:3

English Back to Greek Revelation 17:3

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns

   The most interesting area of study of Revelation 17 and 18 are translating the English  interpretations back into the original Greek and breaking down the meaning behind those words. Some of the English translations were poorly chosen. 

   John chose his words very carefully when drafting his account, detailing specifics that are not found in the English translations. Studying the Greek which John used gives us a clearer picture of what John was witnessing while in the spirit

   In verse 7 the angel tells John that he will tell him the mystery of the woman and the beast (kingdom) that carries her. The angel begins to give John a succession of events surrounding the beast that carries the woman upon his seven heads. It seems as though the angel completely skips telling John about the woman until we reach chapter 18. The angel begins with the beast in verse 8 but does not give John much more information concerning the city itself until the very last verse, Revelation 17:18. This final verse transitions chapter 17 into chapter 18. (chapter breaks were not added until the Geneva Bible was printed in 1557) Here, the angel tells John that the woman which he saw was that great (μεγας) city (πολις) which reigns over the kings of the earth

   In the Greek the words that he uses are μεγαςmega meaning great. When defined in the Greek μεγας means huge, enormous by volume, overtly large by physical size. 

πολις or, polis for city is defined in the Greek as a walled city, mother city, magistrate city of many that dominates well defined territory. 

   So now we know that the woman is a metaphor for a extremely large city. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Babylon Through The Ages

     Babylon the Great, a city of mystery and intrigue, antiquities and abandonment. An ancient city named after a great kingdom that ruled the Mesopotamia from the heart of the Iraqi desert, fifty miles south of Bagdad. The city of the desert now lies deserted, desolate, lost and slumbering. Oh, the mysteries she hides in the decay of her ruins as she listens for the footsteps of her betrothed to awaken her and embrace her one last time.

   Both history and science back up the Biblical claim that the Fertile Crescent, the Mesopotamia was the birth place of man, the birth of civilization. The 'rebirth' was directly after the great flood. 

   The Mesopotamia is the area that extends from the base of the Nile River up the entire eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea then east through Israel. The Mesopotamian crescent continues through modern day Syria into Nineveh taking a sharp downward turn into Iraq by way of the Euphrates and Tigris River to what is now the Persian Gulf.

   This area, believed by many is the location of two of the four rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden and the birthplace of man. Some have debated that the Garden of Eden was created in Israel, but, the great flood had changed the geophysical landscape in such a way that neither place can be substantiated.

   Southern Iraq is also the area of the Plains of Shinar or more commonly known as the Land of Shinar, the area between two rivers, the Tigris, and the Euphrates. The Bible mentions Shinar 8 times; each reference pointing to Shinar as the location of Babel, the land of Nimrod, the Babylonian empire or more specifically to the city of Babylon.

   The Book of Daniel gives us a tiny glimpse into the ancient city of Babylon as a land of military might, merchants, sorcerers, necromancers, enchanters and idol worshippers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Genetic Makeup of the Beast Kingdom: Mr. Frankenstein

    The Genetic Makeup of the Beast Kingdom:  Mr. Frankenstein 

  How would you describe the 'beast' that rises from the sea in Revelation 13? Is it a kingdom, a man, an animal, a government, a political system? 

   Let's break down the genetic makeup of the Beast (Greek - θηριον) using the scripture in Rev 13, 17 and Daniel 7 and see what can be discovered about the beast that rises mid-tribulation; once the little horn rises to world dominance.  

   Most find the book of Revelation complicated or, confusing as it is full of old testament symbolic references: seals, plagues, judgements, dragons, angels, a harlot city and a beast kingdom detailed in prophetic imagery. 

   But, it doesn't have to be. The books of the Bible interconnect and many answers can be found simply by searching scripture. The histories of specific kingdoms and their respective cities are defined by their relationship to Yahweh, Christ, Judah, Jerusalem and Israel. These are intertwined throughout the books of the bible; in fact, the entirety of the old testament is full of geographical references to kingdoms within the middle east that surround Israel. 

   The majority of the Book of Revelation details the unveiling of a time period at the end of human history called the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 9), the time of Jacob's trouble (Jeremiah 30:7) or the tribulation period (Matthew 24:21). This is the 7-year time period when the wrath of God descends upon an unbelieving and unrepentant world before the second coming of Christ Jesus. It is broken into 2 segments; the first half is when antichrist signs a peace agreement or, confirms the covenant with Israel so, while the rest of the world descends into chaos, Israel lives safely under a banner of false peace. The second half or Great Tribulation is the time period when antichrist rises to full authoritative power, breaking the covenant and declaring war on the remnant of the woman (Israel) who have the testimony of Christ Jesus. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Seven Heads of the Beast Revelation 13

 1) "And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2) And the beast that I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat (throne) and great authority. 3) And I saw one of his heads as it were (slain) wounded to death,(εσφαγμενην), and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." 

   Quick Summary: John is instructed to document or record events which he had seen, and things that are, and the things which shall be hereafter. (Revelation 1:19). After the seven letters to the seven churches, John is shown a door in heaven and is taken in the spirit. The majority of Revelation consists of futuristic events, events that extended far beyond John's 95 A.D. world vision. These events will transpire during the tribulation moving the reader forward into the Great tribulation period. 

   And the dragon was wroth with the woman (Israel) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev 12:17 (See also Genesis 3:15) 

  After Satan declares war on the Christians and the Jews. John is shown the rise of a beast kingdom which he documents as previously instructed. John is standing on the sands of the sea 13:1, witnessing the rise of a beast with seven heads and ten horns in the end of days. Several translations such as Darby document the dragon aka: Satan standing on the sands of the sea orchestrating the rise of the beast kingdom as John bears witness. 

   And I (John) stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast (kingdom) rise up out of the sea, having seven heads (four beast kingdoms and three non-beast kingdoms) and ten horns (kings), and upon his horns ten crowns (authority, power), and upon his heads the name of blasphemy

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

English Back to Greek Revelation 17:1

   And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will show you the judgment of the great whore πόρνης that sits upon many waters. Revelation 17:1

   The most interesting area of study of Revelation 17 and 18 are translating the English  interpretations back into the original Greek and breaking down the meaning behind those Greek words. Some of the English translations (in my opinion) were poorly chosen. 

   John chose his words very carefully when drafting his account detailing specifics that are not found in the English translations. Studying the Greek which John used gives us a clearer picture of what John was witnessing while in the spirit

   For example the Greek word translated into the English as great (megas) whore is  πόρνης which means commercially corrupt oneto export or sell a product or commodity immorally for profit or gain. This is generally defined or translated into English by its root πόρνη which is simply pornēs, prostitute or prostitution. This is where the term whore or harlot originated from, from the root of πόρνης

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Revelation 13:3 King or Kingdom?

    I was a little late to the Revelation 13:3 social media party and almost missed it completely. After the assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald J Trump, social media lit up with Revelation 13:3 scripture. This was mostly from those who don't study scripture but are quick to use it to serve their purposes or, fit a specific narrative which has become a common practice. Several comments were quite misguided, even delusional, misquoting scripture. 

   "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast

   The bullet grazed President Trump's ear, whereas the alleged shooter received a deadly head wound. Does Trump have seven heads? Do you know any human that has seven heads? Heads represent kingdoms, horns represent kings, Is Trump a kingdom? Is he a kingdom that sits upon the beast empire that rises mid-tribulation? Is he even a sitting President right now? Is he a leader (king) of a world kingdom? 

   Why doesn't scripture say one of the horns was wounded as to death if this verse represents a deadly head wound upon a man? Because is isn't a man, it's a kingdom. 

   Let me explain: 

   Revelation 13:1-4a details the rise of the antichrist kingdom aka: the beast kingdom mid tribulation. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Isaiah 46 Failure of False Gods

   Babylon relied on her sorcerers, magicians, necromancers and stargazers. Just as many government officials and Hollywood stars consult with deceptive spirits and demons connected to Satan in today’s world, the rulers of Babylon consulted theirs.

   Nebuchadnezzars father King Nabopolassar had a slew of sorcerers, soothsayers, stargazers, diviners and occultist surrounding him, advising him of his every move. When King Nebuchadnezzar II took the throne, he inherited them as part of his counsel from his father. But Nebuchadnezzar found that only the God of Israel could reveal secrets and was true to His Word. 

   The ruling elite of Babylon were deeply humbled when their false gods, sorcerers, diviners and stargazers were unable to warn them of the invasion of the Persian King just as the Isaiah prophecy states. Not only did they not warn them, but those idols held them captive, promising peace and security within the massive walls. 

   What a burden their created idols became for them. Neither Bel or Nebo could stand erect on their own. The Babylonians would have to haul them away in their wagons, they had no use or power of their own.  The God of Israel has shown that their golden idols of pagan gods and carved animals were a heavy burden, mute and of no help. Even Marduk the Snake-Dragon – chief god of Babylon had been muzzled and lame. He was no match for the God of the Israelites. When the nobles and high priests removed the created idols that had failed them, they became a heavy burden under the victory of the God of Israel. 

   The Isaiah prophecy has more spiritual meaning than a physical one with the lackluster and worthlessness of the pagan idols. 

   There is no mention of the people scattering or fleeing Babylon after the Mede-Persian conquest. Historical documentation, including the Cyrus Cylinder (539-538 BC) suggests that the city was taken without much of a fight. In fact, most of the kingdom were not even aware that they had been captured for up to three days. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Dreams of a King Daniel 2

Nebuchadnezzar's Prophetic Dream

   Upon claiming the throne (605 BC) after the death of his father King Nabopolassar, King Nebuchadnezzar II inherited a bunch of mystic advisors that had once served his father. These wise men were collaborators of the dark arts who worked in service to the King. These advisors were the best the empire had to offer, Egyptian magicians, Canaanite fortunetellers, Aramaic astrologers, and Chaldean practitioners of the dark arts and dream interpreters. There were also soothsayers, diviners,  sorcerers, enchanters, conjurers, and illusionist available to provide counsel unto the new king.  

   But none would come close to doing what the king requested.

   King Nebuchadnezzar II was haunted by a dream that deeply troubled his soul. He tossed and turned, unable to sleep, the details of his dream evaporating as soon as he woke. It disturbed him so deeply that he called upon his court of dream translators, sorcerers, astrologers, and magicians to reveal his dream and also the interpretation. 

   He was desperate to know the meaning of the dream that evaded his waking moments. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hislop and the Mother Child Religion

   The argument used by Alexander Hislop to explain the mystery religion or, the mother - child worship predominant in the Catholic church is that every false religion in the world is connected to the worship of a woman named Semiramis and her child, Tammuz, the reincarnation of Nimrod. His argument is that the mother-child religion flooded the entire world after the fall of Babel to honor or replicate the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz. He claims that these are the same beings with different names since the languages had changed. 

    His argument, based upon his research, is that Mary and Jesus are simply imitations of Semiramis and Tammuz reintroduced into religion and the birth of Christ Jesus was a replacement for this ancient Babylonian mystery religion. He ignores any reference to the rise of fertility cults consisting of a variety of deities that dominated the Mesopotamia. 

   History shows that the Mesopotamia was filled with a mixed combination of occult  rituals, idol worshippers and a saturation of fertility religions post-flood. History has no mention of a woman named Semiramis until the 8th century BC, long after the tower of Babel fell and Nimrod no longer walked the earth. Her memory was expounded upon and included in the writings of many Greek historians beginning with Greek physician and historian, Ctesias (5-4th C BC) who connected her to a mythological character, King Ninus. 

   According to Greek mythology, King Ninus ruled Assyria in 3000 BC. These myths and legends are what many historians, including Alexander Hislop, based their research on. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Debunking Alexander Hislop?

    Hislop did a fantastic job selling his bizarre hypothesis of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz and the Babylon mystery religion; as it continues to be the primary teaching in the church today to explain the prophecy of the 'harlot woman' of Revelation 17. This is the only chapter in the entirety of the Bible explained by an outside source

   The majority of parishioners aren't even aware that these tales are based upon mythology, mythical figures and fictional characters. Those who are aware, just don't care. It is taught in church and that is good enough for them. Afterall, who would question their favorite Bible teacher?  

  Surely Bible teachers had done their research on this, investing in a full analysis of Hislop's claims before teaching it as a historical and biblical narrative? One would think so,  but it is impossible to fully analyze the conjuncture of Hislop and still teach it as a historical or biblical narrative with a clear conscience. Many are being misled by these teachings. 

   The interpretation of Alexander Hislop is the most protected non-Biblical source in modern history. The truth in the Bible supports itself both historically and scripturally.  When you have doubts or questions, the Bible defends itself as scripture is interconnected and scripture defines scripture. Not so with Hislop. When you have doubts or questions as to the logic of reincarnation or mythical characters there are no discussions or debates. You become an outcast, verbally attacked as 'crazy', your comments hidden, blocked or deleted. It is something you cannot question or criticize. The insanity of it all just boggles my mind.  But, it is what it is. In the age of mass deception, logic and reason become the first victims. 

   Beginning sometime around  2012 or 13, something quite uncanny occurred. Someone taught the Hislop narrative of the mystery religion of Semiramis, and before long every bible teacher was teaching it. As a result, you can't listen to a sermon on Revelation 17 without it. Almost all use the same Hislop narrative that includes Nimrod, a fabled mother / wife, called Semiramis and a son named Tammuz. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Frog Like Creatures Revelation 16

    When scripture uses the words ‘similar to, or like as’ to describe something, it is not suggesting that these things ARE what they are depicting. From our English language, that should be obvious. But, to many it is not quite so cut and dry. For example, I have read commentators from many years ago that point to the colors of the four horsemen in Rev 6 as nations. Red is China, green or pale are the Islamic nations, black are Asian nations and white, the European nations. This was back when everyone was trying to come up with a different version of  prophecy and theories were bouncing all over the place. 

   The colors are representative of the judgement the rider and horse represent, All nations will be effected when the seals are open. The green or pale color correlates with death, red - bloodshed, black- famine and suffering, white or blanco - the absence of color. White in this particular area of scripture represents the artificial righteousness or (un)holiness surrounding the rise of antichrist. Some will see him as a savior, others will know the evil he represents. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Daniels Fourth Beast from the Sea

   The interpretation of Daniel 7 can be a bit perplexing. I thought I would attempt a quick and hopefully simple breakdown of Daniels four beasts that rise from the sea. It will aid in the interpretation of the beast kingdom in Revelation 13 and 17 and perhaps offer some clarity concerning the rise of this kingdom in the latter days. 

    The writing below is based upon scripture as the Bible is interconnecting: scripture defines scripture. Daniels night vision interconnects with Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. Nebuchadnezzar was intensely occupied with the future of  the mighty kingdom he had built. The Bible doesn't require outside sources to interpret scripture but, we often find that historical events fill in the gaps. When outside sources such as agenda riddled commentaries are added, scripture becomes twisted or confusing. For example: the beast like a leopard symbolizes a kingdom, it is not the secret leopard garments worn by Adam  and Eve that Noah gave to Nimrod. And no, Daniel didn't see the Roman Catholic church rise from the sea as the lion or as the fourth beast. 🙄 

   God doesn't want us confused, he wants us to understand what the prophets are documenting. We may have to search scripture for answers but, the answers are there. Fortunately for us, there was an angel close by to give us an explanation, adding  clarification to what Daniel was witnessing.

   Daniel 7:23,24 The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. Out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. 

   Daniel chapter 7 documents a dream and a night vision where Daniel sees four beasts rise up from the sea. three of the beast symbolized a kingdom specifically recognized by their king. Each influenced Babylon in some way. Three kingdoms had kings or regent kings that occupied Babylonian territory by living within the confines of the Babylonian city. These kings were mighty warriors conquering most of the middle east. 

   The four beast that rise from the sea are kingdoms. Within prophetic implications, many prophecies, visions or dreams were given to various prophets cloaked in metaphorical significance; cities are depicted as woman, kingdoms as mountains and kings are mighty trees. In Daniels night vision, the beasts represent variations of four distinct kingdoms

   The kingdoms have the qualities that are similar to, or comparable with, those of the animal presented. The beasts are shown to Daniel as metaphors for kingdoms; just as the mystery woman in Revelation 17 is a visual of a city described metaphorically as a woman. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Inanna and Ishtar and the Tale of Tammuz

As we move closer to Resurrection Sunday we will be seeing more memes about  Ishtar, Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in order to tie the Resurrection of Christ Jesus to pagan myths. 

These are absolute garbage. 

Let me explain: 

   The oldest goddess documented in history was Inanna. Inanna was a the primary and first fertility goddess of the southern Mesopotamia. Her origins are found in Sumer, dating back to 4000 B.C.. Inanna was the original Queen of heaven. She was NEVER called Semiramis. She was the prototype of future goddesses of nomadic people who wanted a Queen of heaven of their own. 

   Inanna had a boyfriend, his name was Dumuzid or Dumuzi in the Sumerian language.  His beginnings are also found in Sumer, dating back to 4000 B.C.. as Inanna and Dumuzid were intimately linked in a romantic relationship. Their popularity and love affair eventually made their way into the Akkadian and Babylonian territories where they were known as Ishtar and Tammuz

   Tammuz was the youthful god of pastures and plants. He was not connected to sun worship nor was he ever a sun-god. His father was the primary god Ea or El, his mother was Davkina, mistress of the vine. This is documented in the form of hymns found on Cuneiform Sumerian tablet called the Babylonian Tammuz Lamentations. This tablet is number 15 and is housed in the British museum. 

   The hymns were translated by Frederick A. Vanderburgh in 1906 and placed into a book published in 1908: Sumerian Hymns from Cuneiform Texts in the British Museum. Frederick Augustus Vanderburgh, Columbia University Press, 1908

Friday, March 22, 2024

Rise of the Post Flood Gods

    After the flood the worship of the pre-flood Nephilim continued. When the people of Babel were scattered the notoriety of the pre-flood hybrids rose. The stories of the old gods and the men of renown from the old world were shared within the post-flood cultures of the Mesopotamia. The notoriety of these gods grew as their legends were spread across the land in various forms. 

   Nearly every ancient culture on earth has had a fabled mixture of man and animal god at some time. Nearly every culture also has a legend of women mating with the gods creating god-like children. The Greeks continued the tales; they were well versed in creating legends of gods and goddesses. They were quite the story-tellers, completely enamored with their deities. 

   One of the oldest and most recognized of these creatures can be seen in Egypt with the Sphinx. The age of the Sphinx is estimated at 4,500 years old. The Sphinx has the head of a man in a royal headdress and the body of a lion. It is believed to been sculpted from limestone 2600-2500 BC in the 4th dynasty of the Pharaohs though it has been theorized that the Sphinx may be much older, a symbol that existed in the pre-flood world. 

   Though there are many more than the ones I list below, these few will provide an example of how the pre-flood creatures were worshiped in the new world and the stories surrounding them. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Pharmakeia In the Last Days

Pharmakeia φαρμακεία is the Greek translation for pharmaceuticals or drugs used in sorcery, witchcraft, magic or magical enchantments. Generally translated as sorcery in the Bible, it is the mixing and use of psychotics in occultic rituals and spell casting. 

  In the Bible, spiritual harlotry is not only defined by the worship of idols or other gods. Harlotry also involves the practice of occultic rituals or seeking out practitioners of the occult: diviners, witches or those who call upon demons in the form of familiar spirits or the spirits of the deceased. Many of these rituals or demon summoning involve the use of pharmaceuticals, psychotics or mind altering drugs. 

   Pharmakeia, in the simplest definition is the intentional use of drugs, hallucinogens, psychotics and poisons in combination with sorcery, witchcraft, enchantments and spells to alter the state of consciousness or inflict harm upon another by the use of toxins. This use of pharmakeia is intentionally inflicted upon oneself or another. It is often considered as mass poisoning or spellbinding. 

   Remember the wicked witch of the West from The Wizard of OZ? She poisoned Dorothy, the lion and Toto with a magic spell. She combined witchcraft and a poison potion mixed in her golden goblet. She then spread this potion over her magic looking glass while chanting, 'Sleep, sleep" This is a silly but effective example of the use of pharmakeia in combination with a magic spell.   

Sunday, March 10, 2024

His Church Upon This Rock - Caesarea Philippi

   I found this deeply profound and I just love the historical significance of places like these:  

   There is a rock outcrop that juts out below Mount Hermon (sacred mountain). It is called Caesarea Philippi. It was a place dedicated to the worship of many pagan gods such as Ba’al, the roman goddess Diane and the Greek throwback of the ancient Nephilim, the goat/man god, Pan. 

   Dug into the rock were various arched ledges for the idols of pagan gods and goddesses to sit. Temples were built so patrons could visit and worship various pagan deities, one after the other. 

   The temples had long since vanished but the etchings and ledges are still visible. Pictures: creative commons:

   There was a special court area built for the hypnotic flute playing Pan, the dancing goat/man god that chased woodland nymphs for sexual frolic. (Who Alexander Hislop claims was really the first man, Adam in his book The Two Babylons

   There was also an area set aside for Pan and the sacred goats and another for Pan and the nymphs. There was a temple for Echo, (the goddess Pan couldn’t catch), a Temple for Zeus and one for the Greek goddess Nemesis. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Woman in the Ephah Zechariah 5

    Zechariah 5, Vision #7 the Woman in the Basket.

   The prophet Zechariah was born in Babylon and left with the first remanent freed by Cyrus the Great after 70 years of captivity. In 538 B.C., the second year of Darius the Mede, (who ruled over Babylon since the night Babylon fell to the armies of Cyrus the Great), Zechariah returned to Judah. After a series of failed and forgotten attempts; Zechariah was instrumental in stirring the hearts of the Israeli people to complete the rebuilding of the temple 516 - 515 B.C.. Before the temple could be built, wickedness had to be removed from the land. 

   Yahweh called Zechariah as a messenger to receive visions of prophecies in the year 520 – 519 B.C., twenty years after the fall of Babylon. Zechariah is in Judah when he receives his visions from the angel. 

     Then the angel who was speaking with me went out and said to me, “Lift up now your eyes and see what this is going forth.”  I said, “What is it?” And he said, “This is the ephah going forth (moving, in motion).” Again, he said, “This is their appearance (iniquity) in all the land (and behold, a lead cover was lifted up); and this is a woman sitting inside the ephah.”  Then he said, “This is Wickedness!” And he threw her down into the middle of the ephah and cast the lead weight on its opening. Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and there two women were coming out with the wind in their wings; and they had wings like the wings of a stork, and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heavens. I said to the angel who was speaking with me, “Where are they taking the ephah?” Then he said to me, “To build a temple for her in the land of Shinar; and when it is prepared, she will be set there on her own pedestal.” Zechariah 5:5-11 NASB

   An ephah represents a system of measure; it was a container used to measure volume for dry goods such as barley or fine flour. It was used in commerce and trade for the storing, weighing, buying and selling of dry goods. It wasn’t very big, equal to about a bushel 35 liters or 6 gallons. 

   And I said, what is it? And he said, this is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, this is their resemblance (of wickedness) through all the earth

Thursday, February 29, 2024

New Orleans - American Harlot City

    In America, Hollywood is the occult worshiping city that gives their dark lord free publicity in return for carnal wealth, fame and luxury. Hollywood is the propaganda mechanism of Satan and the cheerleader team for the Occult. The city is also the control center of delusion, creating manipulations of magic and enchantments, false and lying wonders. Hollywood is deeply tied to Disney, the producers of wicked pleasures. 

    New Orleans is the American ‘harlot’ city that promotes Satanic worship, the occult, witchcraft, spell casting and sorcery. One would think that the most abominable city in America would be Las Vegas or even Salem, Massachusetts but they pale by comparison to the amount and variety of sorcery and mysticism that emanate from New Orleans. 

     Salem, Massachusetts is a highly commercialized city that promotes witchcraft to honor the innocent victims of the puritan witch hunt of the 17th century. Unknown to many, the witch trials fell under British law, not Puritan law, Christian law nor American law, as Massachusetts was still a British colony at that time. Fast forward 400 years, witchcraft and sorcery are highly promoted basically as a tourist investment focusing on its dark and foreboding past. 

    New Orleans is where the real demonic energies of the dark arts are centralized and manifested due to the large amount of people invoking familiar spirits (demons) on a continual basis. 

    The number of demonic forces personified as cultural practices such as Voodoo is astronomical. The dark forces of unclean spirits are normalized and openly glorified in New Orleans. This makes New Orleans the most sought-after occult destination in the United States. 

    Witchcraft, Sorcery, Hoodoo, Vodou, Vodun, Voodoo-Catholicism, honoring and worshipping long deceased ancestors or practitioners of the occult are all part of the culture in New Orleans. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hierarchy of Angels and Demons

 In heaven there is a hierarchy of angels. Some are more powerful than others, having higher ranks, roles, influence and characteristics. There are military style archangels such as Michael and messenger angels such as Gabriel. There are angels who watch over the nations waring with the fallen angels who also preside over nations. There are guardian angels, watcher angels, protective angels and ministering angels to name just a few.

And, they never sleep. 

    Satan, as the great imitator mimics things in heaven for his own agenda. He also has a hierarchy of demonic forces at work in his kingdom. These are powerful spiritual entities that are stationed above nations who influence the powers behind earthly thrones and the  kings of the world. They are busy influencing the rulers and citizens of cities, invading communities and homes across the world. Believe it or not, they are active in your social life, your work space and in your church. 

    The spiritual hosts of wickedness have influence over the sins of man: lust, greed, envy, pride, wrath, sloth and the Jezebel spirit of child sacrifice, harlotry and the occult.

    Demons are at the bottom of the hierarchy, acting as the foot soldiers, doing the bidding of the fallen angels who are the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness. This hierarchy is similar to an efficient, organized military command with the highest-ranking officers at the top, barking orders to be carried out by those in the lower ranks. 

    And they are highly organized. Like a giant hivemind, they have one goal: to usher in the kingdom of antichrist. 

    If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

    Demons or unclean spirits are lesser than the angels and take their marching orders from the fallen ones who were not imprisoned for their crimes. Demons are the worker bees of the fallen world, whispering sweet nothings in our ears; pestering, possessing, oppressing, torturing and taunting mankind. 

    Note how the kingdom of darkness sticks together like glue while the church has been scattered into various sects and denominations. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Who Said the Bible Was Boring?

    In the bible you will find: Kings and kingdoms that rise and fall, beasts that rise from the sea and kings that rise from the earth. In the end of days, ten kings will rise from a beast kingdom to entrap the world under a banner of global unity. This happens just before an evil king rises up among them, unleashing global chaos and death.  

  There are queens that were good, queens that were evil and a queen who was thrown from her throne and left to wallow in self pity in the dust. There are also good kings and wicked kings that did evil in the sight of God. There were kingdoms filled with various seers, magicians, sorcerers and wizards performing necromancy and reading entrails, looking for signs. 

   You can read about strange creatures covered in eyes that dwell in heaven, good angels and fallen angels and angels who pretend to be good, but are really not. You will discover  vicious giants that walked the earth who became dark unclean spirits after a giant flood was sent to cleanse the earth. These unclean spirits prowl the earth searching for fleshy homes to inhabit. But, be careful, these are not spirits that you want hanging around your house. If you 'shoo' them away they will return with 7 others, more evil than the first for you to contend with. 

  You will find a woman named wickedness who was trapped in an ephah (basket) designed for commerce. She is secured inside with a lid made of lead so she doesn't escape when carried off to a land far away. Once her appointed time has come, she will have a temple built for her where she will be placed upon a pedestal to be worshiped, and a city will be built around her. Her city will be known for evil and bloodshed in the days when lawlessness will rule the earth. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Mystery Woman of Revelation 17

Mystery Woman: 

    Who is this woman that has enchanted and mystified prophecy students for nearly 2,000 years and how did she receive such a seemingly influential position as a great harlot? She is joined in a mutual unity with the beast and his kingdom at the end of history, spreading her filth into the earth. She is even given royal treatment, sitting on the heads of the beast; the kingdoms of the world, and, her judgement is pending.  

   And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me saying unto me, come hither; I will show you the judgement of the great whore πόρνης (Greek: commercially corrupt one) that sits upon many waters. Revelation 17:1

So, who or what is this great whore; the commercially corrupt one? 

    To partially answer this question, we need to move the final verse in the Revelation prophecy to the forefront, it aides in the evaluation of the remaining text. This was the final clue the angel gave John; "I will tell you the mystery of the woman"... It is the ‘big’ picture that will define the harlot and the rest of the chapter with more clarity. We may not be able to identify her at this time in history but, there are many clues; so while she is being prepared, we may be able to recognize her for what she will be.  

    This interpretation is based upon scripture and the writings of the prophets which will omit the interpretation presented by Alexander Hislop taught within the church today.

    If you are not familiar with Alexander Hislop but have listened to modern Bible teachers interpret Revelation 17 as a harlot church, you are listening to, and learning the teachings of Alexander Hislop. Hislop's teaching is based upon fables, mythology, reincarnation and the various gods and goddesses that ruled the Mesopotamia, and later, the Greek and Roman cultures. These teachings are taught as actual historical and biblical narratives in the majority of churches today. These are the exact same teachings that scripture tells us to avoid. 

   For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they will turn away their ears from the Truth and (truth) shall be turned into fables (myths). 2 Timothy 4:3,4 

    When Revelation 17 is taught using authentic historical context and scripture, it reveals something completely different. Modern day bible teachers are misleading the flock by teaching the Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz fables as historical and biblical doctrine.