The fourth kingdom represents the final kingdom of man; an anti-God kingdom full of wicked rulers with evil intentions. This kingdom is the kingdom of the ten horns aka: kings that will form an alliance in the end of days just before the rise of the Antichrist. The ten horns from this kingdom are ten kings in immense positions of power. From these ten kings another shall rise after them, subduing the power of three. This little horn is the eleventh king or as most call him; the antichrist.
Daniel 7, 8 and 11 gives us the first glimpse of the man who will rise in the last days once the order of the old world is destroyed. He will speak arrogant blasphemy against the most high, and the saints will be given over to him for a time and times and dividing of time. He will think to change times and laws breaking the feasts, traditions and holidays of the Jews.
Antioch Epiphanies, the Greek King, was the little horn of the old testament; the little horn of the new testament will be a typology of Antiochus but with much more globalized power. He will head the transformation of old world kingdoms under the authority of the ten horns, converting them into a new future for mankind. A new future that signifies death for many. And by peace he will destroy many....
This kingdom is described in Daniel 7 as Daniel's fourth beast that rises from the sea. It is also described in Daniel 2 as the feet and toes of iron merging with the clay. The iron represents the strength of two kingdoms (legs) that converge into feet. One kingdom, older, growing frail and weak, the other a turbulent force focused on achieving world dominance. This division of iron (kingdoms) and clay (man / earth) form a weak base causing much instability as iron and clay do not mix. This weak base forms the final kingdom.