Thursday, February 29, 2024

New Orleans - American Harlot City

    In America, Hollywood is the occult worshiping city that gives their dark lord free publicity in return for carnal wealth, fame and luxury. Hollywood is the propaganda mechanism of Satan and the cheerleader team for the Occult. The city is also the control center of delusion, creating manipulations of magic and enchantments, false and lying wonders. Hollywood is deeply tied to Disney, the producers of wicked pleasures. 

    New Orleans is the American ‘harlot’ city that promotes Satanic worship, the occult, witchcraft, spell casting and sorcery. One would think that the most abominable city in America would be Las Vegas or even Salem, Massachusetts but they pale by comparison to the amount and variety of sorcery and mysticism that emanate from New Orleans. 

     Salem, Massachusetts is a highly commercialized city that promotes witchcraft to honor the innocent victims of the puritan witch hunt of the 17th century. Unknown to many, the witch trials fell under British law, not Puritan law, Christian law nor American law, as Massachusetts was still a British colony at that time. Fast forward 400 years, witchcraft and sorcery are highly promoted basically as a tourist investment focusing on its dark and foreboding past. 

    New Orleans is where the real demonic energies of the dark arts are centralized and manifested due to the large amount of people invoking familiar spirits (demons) on a continual basis. 

    The number of demonic forces personified as cultural practices such as Voodoo is astronomical. The dark forces of unclean spirits are normalized and openly glorified in New Orleans. This makes New Orleans the most sought-after occult destination in the United States. 

    Witchcraft, Sorcery, Hoodoo, Vodou, Vodun, Voodoo-Catholicism, honoring and worshipping long deceased ancestors or practitioners of the occult are all part of the culture in New Orleans. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hierarchy of Angels and Demons

 In heaven there is a hierarchy of angels. Some are more powerful than others, having higher ranks, roles, influence and characteristics. There are military style archangels such as Michael and messenger angels such as Gabriel. There are angels who watch over the nations waring with the fallen angels who also preside over nations. There are guardian angels, watcher angels, protective angels and ministering angels to name just a few.

And, they never sleep. 

    Satan, as the great imitator mimics things in heaven for his own agenda. He also has a hierarchy of demonic forces at work in his kingdom. These are powerful spiritual entities that are stationed above nations who influence the powers behind earthly thrones and the  kings of the world. They are busy influencing the rulers and citizens of cities, invading communities and homes across the world. Believe it or not, they are active in your social life, your work space and in your church. 

    The spiritual hosts of wickedness have influence over the sins of man: lust, greed, envy, pride, wrath, sloth and the Jezebel spirit of child sacrifice, harlotry and the occult.

    Demons are at the bottom of the hierarchy, acting as the foot soldiers, doing the bidding of the fallen angels who are the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness. This hierarchy is similar to an efficient, organized military command with the highest-ranking officers at the top, barking orders to be carried out by those in the lower ranks. 

    And they are highly organized. Like a giant hivemind, they have one goal: to usher in the kingdom of antichrist. 

    If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

    Demons or unclean spirits are lesser than the angels and take their marching orders from the fallen ones who were not imprisoned for their crimes. Demons are the worker bees of the fallen world, whispering sweet nothings in our ears; pestering, possessing, oppressing, torturing and taunting mankind. 

    Note how the kingdom of darkness sticks together like glue while the church has been scattered into various sects and denominations. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Who Said the Bible Was Boring?

    In the bible you will find: Kings and kingdoms that rise and fall, beasts that rise from the sea and kings that rise from the earth. In the end of days, ten kings will rise from a beast kingdom to entrap the world under a banner of global unity. This happens just before an evil king rises up among them, unleashing global chaos and death.  

  There are queens that were good, queens that were evil and a queen who was thrown from her throne and left to wallow in self pity in the dust. There are also good kings and wicked kings that did evil in the sight of God. There were kingdoms filled with various seers, magicians, sorcerers and wizards performing necromancy and reading entrails, looking for signs. 

   You can read about strange creatures covered in eyes that dwell in heaven, good angels and fallen angels and angels who pretend to be good, but are really not. You will discover  vicious giants that walked the earth who became dark unclean spirits after a giant flood was sent to cleanse the earth. These unclean spirits prowl the earth searching for fleshy homes to inhabit. But, be careful, these are not spirits that you want hanging around your house. If you 'shoo' them away they will return with 7 others, more evil than the first for you to contend with. 

  You will find a woman named wickedness who was trapped in an ephah (basket) designed for commerce. She is secured inside with a lid made of lead so she doesn't escape when carried off to a land far away. Once her appointed time has come, she will have a temple built for her where she will be placed upon a pedestal to be worshiped, and a city will be built around her. Her city will be known for evil and bloodshed in the days when lawlessness will rule the earth. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Mystery Woman of Revelation 17

Mystery Woman: 

    Who is this woman that has enchanted and mystified prophecy students for nearly 2,000 years and how did she receive such a seemingly influential position as a great harlot? She is joined in a mutual unity with the beast and his kingdom at the end of history, spreading her filth into the earth. She is even given royal treatment, sitting on the heads of the beast; the kingdoms of the world, and, her judgement is pending.  

   And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me saying unto me, come hither; I will show you the judgement of the great whore πόρνης (Greek: commercially corrupt one) that sits upon many waters. Revelation 17:1

So, who or what is this great whore; the commercially corrupt one? 

    To partially answer this question, we need to move the final verse in the Revelation prophecy to the forefront, it aides in the evaluation of the remaining text. This was the final clue the angel gave John; "I will tell you the mystery of the woman"... It is the ‘big’ picture that will define the harlot and the rest of the chapter with more clarity. We may not be able to identify her at this time in history but, there are many clues; so while she is being prepared, we may be able to recognize her for what she will be.  

    This interpretation is based upon scripture and the writings of the prophets which will omit the interpretation presented by Alexander Hislop taught within the church today.

    If you are not familiar with Alexander Hislop but have listened to modern Bible teachers interpret Revelation 17 as a harlot church, you are listening to, and learning the teachings of Alexander Hislop. Hislop's teaching is based upon fables, mythology, reincarnation and the various gods and goddesses that ruled the Mesopotamia, and later, the Greek and Roman cultures. These teachings are taught as actual historical and biblical narratives in the majority of churches today. These are the exact same teachings that scripture tells us to avoid. 

   For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they will turn away their ears from the Truth and (truth) shall be turned into fables (myths). 2 Timothy 4:3,4 

    When Revelation 17 is taught using authentic historical context and scripture, it reveals something completely different. Modern day bible teachers are misleading the flock by teaching the Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz fables as historical and biblical doctrine.