Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Debunking Alexander Hislop?

    Hislop did a fantastic job selling his bizarre hypothesis of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz and the Babylon mystery religion; as it continues to be the primary teaching in the church today to explain the prophecy of the 'harlot woman' of Revelation 17. This is the only chapter in the entirety of the Bible explained by an outside source

   The majority of parishioners aren't even aware that these tales are based upon mythology, mythical figures and fictional characters. Those who are aware, just don't care. It is taught in church and that is good enough for them. Afterall, who would question their favorite Bible teacher?  

  Surely Bible teachers had done their research on this, investing in a full analysis of Hislop's claims before teaching it as a historical and biblical narrative? One would think so,  but it is impossible to fully analyze the conjuncture of Hislop and still teach it as a historical or biblical narrative with a clear conscience. Many are being misled by these teachings. 

   The interpretation of Alexander Hislop is the most protected non-Biblical source in modern history. The truth in the Bible supports itself both historically and scripturally.  When you have doubts or questions, the Bible defends itself as scripture is interconnected and scripture defines scripture. Not so with Hislop. When you have doubts or questions as to the logic of reincarnation or mythical characters there are no discussions or debates. You become an outcast, verbally attacked as 'crazy', your comments hidden, blocked or deleted. It is something you cannot question or criticize. The insanity of it all just boggles my mind.  But, it is what it is. In the age of mass deception, logic and reason become the first victims. 

   Beginning sometime around  2012 or 13, something quite uncanny occurred. Someone taught the Hislop narrative of the mystery religion of Semiramis, and before long every bible teacher was teaching it. As a result, you can't listen to a sermon on Revelation 17 without it. Almost all use the same Hislop narrative that includes Nimrod, a fabled mother / wife, called Semiramis and a son named Tammuz. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Frog Like Creatures Revelation 16

    When scripture uses the words ‘similar to, or like as’ to describe something, it is not suggesting that these things ARE what they are depicting. From our English language, that should be obvious. But, to many it is not quite so cut and dry. For example, I have read commentators from many years ago that point to the colors of the four horsemen in Rev 6 as nations. Red is China, green or pale are the Islamic nations, black are Asian nations and white, the European nations. This was back when everyone was trying to come up with a different version of  prophecy and theories were bouncing all over the place. 

   The colors are representative of the judgement the rider and horse represent, All nations will be effected when the seals are open. The green or pale color correlates with death, red - bloodshed, black- famine and suffering, white or blanco - the absence of color. White in this particular area of scripture represents the artificial righteousness or (un)holiness surrounding the rise of antichrist. Some will see him as a savior, others will know the evil he represents. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Daniels Fourth Beast from the Sea

   The interpretation of Daniel 7 can be a bit perplexing. I thought I would attempt a quick and hopefully simple breakdown of Daniels four beasts that rise from the sea. It will aid in the interpretation of the beast kingdom in Revelation 13 and 17 and perhaps offer some clarity concerning the rise of this kingdom in the latter days. 

    The writing below is based upon scripture as the Bible is interconnecting: scripture defines scripture. Daniels night vision interconnects with Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2. Nebuchadnezzar was intensely occupied with the future of  the mighty kingdom he had built. The Bible doesn't require outside sources to interpret scripture but, we often find that historical events fill in the gaps. When outside sources such as agenda riddled commentaries are added, scripture becomes twisted or confusing. For example: the beast like a leopard symbolizes a kingdom, it is not the secret leopard garments worn by Adam  and Eve that Noah gave to Nimrod. And no, Daniel didn't see the Roman Catholic church rise from the sea as the lion or as the fourth beast. ðŸ™„ 

   God doesn't want us confused, he wants us to understand what the prophets are documenting. We may have to search scripture for answers but, the answers are there. Fortunately for us, there was an angel close by to give us an explanation, adding  clarification to what Daniel was witnessing.

   Daniel 7:23,24 The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. Out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. 

   Daniel chapter 7 documents a dream and a night vision where Daniel sees four beasts rise up from the sea. three of the beast symbolized a kingdom specifically recognized by their king. Each influenced Babylon in some way. Three kingdoms had kings or regent kings that occupied Babylonian territory by living within the confines of the Babylonian city. These kings were mighty warriors conquering most of the middle east. 

   The four beast that rise from the sea are kingdoms. Within prophetic implications, many prophecies, visions or dreams were given to various prophets cloaked in metaphorical significance; cities are depicted as woman, kingdoms as mountains and kings are mighty trees. In Daniels night vision, the beasts represent variations of four distinct kingdoms

   The kingdoms have the qualities that are similar to, or comparable with, those of the animal presented. The beasts are shown to Daniel as metaphors for kingdoms; just as the mystery woman in Revelation 17 is a visual of a city described metaphorically as a woman.